Chapter 9: An Elaborate Trap

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Marcia curled herself on the mattress, feeling her head tap against the concrete wall. The room she was in was completely dark, and it felt like time did not exist anymore. She spent most of the time in a delirious sleep, never knowing when it was night or day. Meal times were the only indication that she was still alive, and had not long died and become a disembodied ghost.

Footsteps clicked outside her room as her fingers closed around the cold porcelain bowl. It did not feel too long ago when she just had her last meal, though. Was it time for her next one already? Marcia closed her eyes in confusion. Time was really becoming a more and more abstract concept by the second. The familiar sound of magic dispelling drifted to her ears again as she prepared herself to receive her next meal.

Blinding sunlight flooded the room as the whole door opened instead of just its hatch this time. She raised a palm to shield the agonising light that she had craved to see so much. A figure blocked the sun rays and entered the cell, pulling Marcia up to her feet. She followed the person out of the room, still partially blinded by the sudden change in brightness.

The young girl walked into a cold metallic room. It resembled a laboratory, though it was devoid of any technomagick equipment. Instead, a single book lay open atop an altar, surrounded by candles lit with silver flames. Its pages were stained a reddish brown, distinctly reminiscent of dried blood. Marcia shuddered. This was clearly a place for some kind of ancient magic ritual. A ritual that called on the purified nature of arcani. A ritual that could only have originated from a time before technomagick existed, when scientific technology had not yet completely merged with magic.

"Come here, little girl. No need to be afraid."

Marcia stood rooted to her position, refusing to obey the coaxing voice of the man who lied to her about giving her a rest. Cold metal wrapped around her wrists from behind without warning and a wave of weakness hit her. She fell to her knees as a beeping sound emitted from behind her. The woman behind her tutted her lips and removed the device, showing it to the man in front of them. The little girl got back up shakily.

"Move." The woman stared down at Marcia with stone cold eyes. Jagged black quartz grew out from her skin threateningly, coating her arm in a dangerous looking spiked armour. The girl squeaked in fear and walked towards the man.

"Looks like we have to resort to plan B," Titus said to his sister. "This little girl does not have enough arcani to stabilise the spellcraft."

"What choice do we have?" Lucia replied with irritation in her voice. "You should've personally faced that psychic instead of relying on our weaker comrades. I already warned you he was powerful, didn't I?"

"Alright, my bad." Titus chuckled nonchalantly. "But don't worry, I have a plan. Felix Pagonis should be worried sick now, looking for his little sister. Any movement we make from now on will definitely attract his attention, and I intend to exploit that."

Lucia tilted her head at her brother.

"I've already instructed our comrades to make a ruckus during the wand trafficking trade taking place at Madison Town Square. Felix will definitely show up, and all they need to do is drop the false portal." A sinister grin showed up on Titus' face. "I'll take care of the rest."

"What do we do with this girl?"

"Psychic types are rare; make sure she doesn't leave this place. Besides, we might still need her for Plan B." Titus bent down and patted the shivering girl's head. "We'll take good care of you, alright?"

"Leave my brother alone!" she yelled at him, surprising herself with how much energy she still managed to muster. "What did we ever do to you?"

"I'm afraid I can't, little one." Titus smiled. "Sacrifices must be made to reclaim the glory of our kind. You won't understand it."

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