Headcanon 4: Nezuko is an extrovert, Muichiro is an introvert

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At social gatherings, Nezuko effortlessly mingled with others, spreading warmth and laughter wherever she went. Muichiro, on the other hand, was more reserved, often staying in the background, observing quietly.

During one party, Nezuko noticed Muichiro sitting alone on a couch, and she decided to join him. "Hey there, quiet guy," she teased gently. "Having fun?"

Muichiro smiled faintly, appreciating her effort to include him. "I'm fine, just not as comfortable in large crowds."

Nezuko patted his shoulder. "That's okay. I'll be your social buffer. Stick with me, and I'll make sure you're not overwhelmed."

And so, they became each other's anchors in different social settings, Nezuko providing comfort to Muichiro in busy gatherings, while Muichiro gave Nezuko the space to shine when she wanted to.

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