CHAPTER 4: thoughts

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My phone was blowing up. Everyone was texting me all at once. I checked it to see what was going on. The first contact that appeared was Sunny's. I scrolled through our messages, hoping for some kind of answer as to why he would do this. The others begged me to come back to the park so that we could talk. I suddenly heard a knock at the trapdoor leading to my room.

"... come in."

Expecting to see my mother, I quickly cleared my eyes. It was Hero, he came to check on me.

"Hey, is this a bad time? I can leave you alone if you want."

"No, I'm glad it's you instead of my mother."

He sits next to me and puts his arm around me.

"Are you doing alright?"

I shake my head. He pulls me closer.

"I wanted to say thanks for defending Mari and me... and I wanted to say sorry for Basil's outbreak."

"It's alright."

"Do you miss him a lot? I noticed your pictures of you and him on the corkboard."

I nod.

"I miss him more every day."

Hero takes off the bag he took with him. Inside was the bewo plushie, and Bewo herself.

"Yeah, don't tell Mari but I thought you could use some cuddles from Sunny's cat."

Bewo walks onto my lap and sits down. I gently pet her, her fur was soft and short.

"Thanks, Hero."

He smiles. His phone goes off. He laughs as he reads it. He shows the text to me, it's from Mari. It reads:


I laugh as well. Hero explains how he took Bewo to me to cheer me up. Mari knocks on the door not long after.

"Hero. Why did you take Bewo?" She looks at him, pissed.

I hug bewo to show Mari where she is. Mari runs up the ladder and picks up Bewo.

"Oh thank god that you are okay!"

I look at her sadly. She sighs and puts Bewo back on my lap. Bewo softly Meows, triggering us to awe in unison.

"Are you okay Aubrey? Basil took things way too far."

"Yeah, I'm okay, just a bit sad though."

"How is the wound doing? Is it still bleeding?" Hero asks.

I show him my arm. He carefully examines it.

"... good. It seems okay. No stitches are needed."

"I'm so sorry Aubrey. I have no clue why he would do this." Mari apologizes.

He puts my arm down. I look at the ground and think.

"Aubrey?" Mari asks.

"... sometimes I can hear him in your voice. I can hear his monotone yet expressive voice in your undertone."

Mari looks at me, sympathetically.

"I hear it too, I just try to ignore it."

I put my knees up and look at the photo I took off of the wall. Hero and Mari peek at the photo.

"I remember that one! Sunny had never smiled around us before. He was asking where you were and when you showed up he gave a little smile."

"I miss his little smile. He was always so cute in everything he did."

Mari hugs me.

"It hurts to think about him, doesn't it."

I nod before turning back to Bewo. She is chasing a ball on the floor.

"Heh, I'm glad that Bewo is at least still herself."

The two laugh. I turn to Hero.

"How is Kel holding up?"

"He hasn't been doing well. He has been crying all night. He misses Sunny."


"Sorry if this is a bad topic but I have to know. Were you planning on asking Sunny out yesterday?"

"It's fine Mari, and yes. I was thinking of asking him."

We sat there silent for a moment.

Mari breaks the silence, " he would have said yes."

I look at her confused.

"What do you mean?"

"He had a crush on you for a while. He was just too shy to ask you out. I remember him ranting to me about how he hates how shy he is because he wanted to ask."

I start to cry again.

"Mari, you might have just made it worse."

"Oh no."


They both hug me. Bewo tries to help by rubbing against my legs. Yelling can be heard from downstairs.


I go quiet. Mari and Hero glare downstairs.

" We should probably get going. It's getting dark. Text us if you need anything."

"I will. Thanks."

Mari and Hero leave with Bewo. I plop

onto my bed.

"... sunny. I'm so sorry."

I swore I heard his voice for a second.

"Aubrey. It isn't your fault. I'm sorry for hurting you like this." I thought I heard.

I look around the room, desperate to see him, but also scared to see a ghost. No one. I was completely alone. Hearing his voice triggered a sudden sharp pain in my head. I lie back down and go to sleep without even changing.

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