CHAPTER 10: Alone

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I fell to the hard floor. The place was surrounded by doors. The air was cold, I felt a sense of loneliness. I attempt to scream for Sunny but the sounds won't come out.

I attempt to open the red door next to me, but it's locked. I search for a place to go. When I look upwards, the hole I fell from was still there. Mewo walks out of a door. She seems shocked to see me. I attempt to strike up a conversation.

"Hey, Mewo."

She looks the other way.

"Look, I know we haven't had the best interactions but can you please help me?"

Mewo turns around and looks at me.

"How do I get out? The floor broke under me and I just wanna find Sunny and leave."

Mewo turns to the red door.

"You have to get through him though," Mewo says.

"Thank you, Mewo."

Mewo stands up and leaves.

The room felt even worse. My breathing heavies. I was terrified, shaking in my slippers.

I find a door with carvings of tulips and I decide to start there. It was a backyard, similar to Sunny's. A tire hangs from the tree. I see a memory of Sunny running up to it.

"Come on Mari! Let's go!"

Mari follows him.

"Sunny slow down! You know my knees are sensitive!"

He continues running around. Mari looks at him and giggles. I follow the two until they stop. Sunny gets onto the tire swing. Mari pushes him, and with every push, he is launched higher into the air. Then, after about 5 minutes, Mari stopped paying attention. Sunny flew off the swing.

"Mari? Mari! MAR- ACK" He screams.

"Sunny! Are you alright!?!"

He tries to talk but nothing comes out.

"Is this how he hurt his voice?" I ask myself.

Mari took Sunny to their parents.

A key was left where Sunny hurt his voice. I pick it up and a green hand takes me back to the main area. The door I had just entered had disappeared. The next door had orchids carved. I open the door to see Mari standing in front of me. We stand on a dock, surrounded by water. A giant window shines white light.


She turns around.

"Aubrey? Where are we?"

"I don't know."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! I'm sorry Mari!" Sunny says.

"God, dad was right! You are a menace!" Memory? Mari yells.

"This was just last week. I never meant to hurt him. I was just so angry at him."

He walks down the dock towards us.

"What have I done? I'm a monster." He says.

"Don't say that Sunny!" Mari tries to yell.

"Heh, I was always the hated one, wasn't I Mari?" He says as he looks at us.

Sunny disappears and a black key appears. Mari picks it up and gives it to me.

"I'm sorry Sunny." She whispers.

The green hands take us away.

"How long have you been here?" I ask Mari.

"Not long. I fell through the floor and ended up here."

Mari looks at the door with sunflowers. I open it using the key. Basil and Sunny are sitting on a picnic blanket. Memory? Mari and I sat down with him. Mari puts a birthday hat on him.

"Happy birthday Sunny!" Memory? Basil says.

Sunny smiles.


We could tell that it hurt to talk. He winces at the pain but he manages to talk.

Memory? Aubrey gives him a gift. When he opens it, it is a sketchbook.

"I know it isn't much but I thought you would like it." She says.

He admires it for a while. He grabs a spare pencil and starts sketching. I and Mari walk closer to see what he's drawing. He drew all of us. Hero and Kel run up not too long after. Sunny waves at them.

The memory ends there. We get transported back. Only 3 white doors remain a cacti-themed door, a sword flower door, and a rose door. We enter the cacti-themed door first.

Kel and Sunny are walking to Hobbies together. Kel is talking about the new captain space boy comic. Sunny is listening to him. They enter the store and start reading the new comic. Kel messes with Sunny's hair.

"They were always so close weren't they?"

Mari nods. Kel and Sunny check out a few other things before leaving. Once again we are escorted out of the door. We enter the rose-themed door next.

Hero and Mari are making soup. Sunny's parents are nowhere to be found.

"Thanks for helping out babe. I'm sure he appreciates it." Memory? Mari says.

"Anytime darling." Memory? Hero says, his smile seems more charming than usual.

Mari pours a bowl of soup and brings it upstairs with a spoon. Sunny lies in his bed, coughing a lot. He seems asleep. Mari puts her hand on his head.

"Sunny, we have soup for you."

Sunny opens his eyes a tiny bit. He starts coughing more.

"I hope you're gonna be okay, little brother."

She slowly feeds him the soup. Making sure to not burn his throat. Sunny stops coughing for a bit. He tries to thank her and apologize for making her do this on her day off but she stops him.

"Sunny, you don't need to apologize. I'm your sister, It's my job to help you."

"Awe I remember this! Sunny was sick with the flu so I and Hero made him soup!" Mari says.

The green hands take us away. The final white door looked a tiny bit pink in the light. I open the door. Sunny sits on a bench, alone. It's pouring out. He looks around for someone but everyone stayed inside.

"Sunshine!" Crush? Aubrey starts.

He seems to blush as he waves. Crush? Aubrey sits down next to him. Sunny lays his head on her.

"Are you a bit sleepy today?" She says.

He nods. She uses her umbrella to shield his head from getting wet.

"Why don't we go back to my house?" She suggests.

He nods happily.

When they get to her house they sit down and watch tv while talking. Sunny puts his head on her lap and falls asleep accidentally. She doesn't move him.

"Hehe, I love you, Sunny." She whispers.

The green hands hold out a red key to us.

We take it and it teleports us to the red door.

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