Chapter 1 - The Signal

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Chapter 1 - The Signal

It's been a few days with no contact where the hell could he be?

Commander Xavier James Jr. Lying on his bed Begins thinking to himself. He usually responds every couple of days.

Xavier says  Sam!!!. Sam is short for (smart automated manager) Sam responds Yes, Xavier says. What time is it any messages from Jack? Sam replies. The time is 8 am earth eastern standard no new messages to report commander.

It's been a week now since Jack's been gone, I guess I better get up. Sam yes commander can you start my morning routine as you wish sam says.

The lights begin to turn up. A little bit of music starts playing it's jazz. This morning, I usually listen to everything. I just, needed to clear my head.

There's a lot on my mind, why hasn't Jack responded? He knows what kind of mess we're in.

Jack, What have you gotten yourself into this time why didn't you leave me any clues?

I get in the shower. The water feels nice, not too hot, not too cold, and begins humming along to the music. I can't wait for breakfast eggs, some bacon, and some coffee. Oh yeah, some coffee for sure. French vanilla creamer, maybe an espresso. I can taste it now.

Just then I hear beeping Sam's voice comes over the intercom. Commander urgent!!! Priority, level 5.

fuck, What now. Xavier's response, I haven't even had my coffee. This honestly, couldn't have waited until then.  Sam says I'm sorry, I know, Xavier says. Go, ahead sam, Patch it through.

Commander? Yea, Go ahead. Amanda, Xavier says. this better be good? Amanda, Xavier says. I haven't even had my coffee yet.

Amanda, replies you're going to want to get up to the bridge. ASAP, And you may want to bring, some extra underwear.

Xavier, replies, what the hell are you talking about? 

Amanda, We just received a subspace, distress signal.

Xavier, So we hear those all the time?.

Amanda, replies yea... but this is no ordinary distress signal it's Jack's.

Amanda, Commander you there?.

Xavier responds, yea... Xavier turns off the water. Trying to catch his breath. What have you been up to Jack?. You wouldn't activate your distress signal, Only if it was life or death. I know you all too well.

Xavier replies, Amanda tell Helm to go towards the signal immediately!!!.

Amanda, commander we're already on a direct course to the signal Xavier, what? Who ordered it?.

Amanda, That's the thing it was automatic. Sam's been trying to override. The commands, but nothing is responding, this is even complex for Sam however, Everything else is functioning as normal. We just don't have any control over are course and direction.

Xavier fuck....

Amanda, you might want to get up here. Commander, Maybe to reassure the crew that we're not gonna die. Or I don't know, say something like we're not gonna be blown up into 1 million pieces. Or something like that. we've all, Seen science-fiction movies before. She begins to nervously, Laugh this is even freaking her out.

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