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《《Okinawa Trip Day 1 Pt2》》

1354 words

After the bath. Chiyo and Teruhashi planned to play uno with the guys. Practicing what to say at the bathroom before high fiving.

Y/n was too tired yet wanted fresh air so she went to see the pretty night scenery at the balcony of her room. She looked and see Teruhashi outside and a sleeping Saiki.


Y/n smirk leaning on the railing watching the entertaining scene. Teruhashi was panicking like a little girl Y/n laughed. Although she sees her trying to take off one of the lollipop pin on Saiki's head.

She panicked knowing what It'll do. When she was about to freeze time It was too late she took it and when it does. The hotel disappeared Y/n froze time and made her frozen on the air where she was standing.

"Well shoot.. uhh"

Y/n gently jumped to the ground from where she was frozen. She can freeze herself as well when she needs to so thank god she did in time or..

She looks at the big hole and now with a old pirate ship she gulped thanking the gods. Before immediately running to Saiki worried and she looks and sees Toritsuka who told everyone he can see ghost and people's guardians.

The two make eye account before looking at Saiki.

"UMM L/n I think It's better for you to-"

"Did you know his a psychic?"

Toritsuka jaws dropped.


"I do."

"That means we friends L/n! we both know Saiki's powers!"

He says smiling and simping over Y/n like he does to every pretty girl. Y/n sigh not paying much attention.

"Let's wake him up.."


Toritsuka shakes Saiki to wake him up while Y/n was kneeled down next to him worried. The pink haired finally opens his eyes.

'What do you want.'

He looks and sees the medium and Y/n who was looking at him worried.

"Are you okay!?"

She says looking at him, while he tilt his head confused.

Fell First & Fell Harder~{Saiki Kusuo X Fem Y/n☆}Where stories live. Discover now