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《《Finally Back》》

1241 words

One of my fav couple ^^


The whole class was finally back from their class trip. It was morning few days after the trip. Everyone had fun and still is talking about the things they had done laughing and enjoying reminiscing their time in Okinawa. 

Y/n was thinking deeply when she can give the presents to her friends. Putting the palm of her hand on her chin. 

'Hmm I still need to look for Aren's gift.. that should take a few more days..' 

While Y/n was in a daze she suddenly hear her teacher enter the class. 

"Guys welcome another transfer student that L/n might know" 

Y/n's ears perked up hearing this and was looking at her teacher excitedly. Saiki already know who It is making him annoyed rolling his eyes. Nendou noticed this tilting his head.

"What's wrong pal?" 

"Are you okay Saiki?" 

The others then say worried when Nendou spoke. Saiki look at them and just gave a slight nod. 

"You can come in!" 

The teacher says and on cue the same platinum haired best friend of Y/n who she saw and hanged with at Okinawa is now standing in front of the class with his usual charming smile this time with his glasses making him more attractive. The girls swoon while the guys just didn't pay much attention. 

"Hello! I'm Aoki Kei I met some of you darlings at the Okinawa trip lets get along!" 

The girls swoon even more being called Darling. Y/n's jaws dropped seeing her best friend she waves at him smiling happily. 

Kei smile before proceeding to go over to Y/n. Chiyo was the one sitting next to Y/n and the only other free seat was with Saiki. 

"There's no spot here Kei you got to sit with Saiki" 

Saiki glared at Y/n who just said that. Chiyo awkwardly laughs before speaking up.

"Why don't I go sit with Saiki and you two best friends sit next to each other?" 

"That would be kind of you darling-" 

Before Kei can finish his words Saiki suddenly used his ability to mind control everyone. To have them believe that Y/n had always been sitting next to him the whole school year. He didn't mind control Y/n to think that so the e/c eyes look at him confused. 

Fell First & Fell Harder~{Saiki Kusuo X Fem Y/n☆}Where stories live. Discover now