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《《Presents and a New Transfer?》》

1227 words

I know I ruined the element of surprise with this Gif but I wasn't sure what be fitting for this part🥲


It was now Monday. The weekend went pretty quick for Y/n as she was now handing everyone a wrapped gift early in the morning since she couldn't wait any longer. Everyone was confused yet excited.

"It's not Christmas yet N/n what's this for??"

Chiyo says with an excited look as she asks so is everyone waiting for Y/n to answer Chiyo's question since that was they were thinking in there head as well to what was the presents for. Y/n smile before responding back to the question.

"It's my thank you gift for being my friends! I didn't think I'd make so many so fast! I'm glad to have met you all. It's not much so don't expect too much.. but I tried."

Y/n says unsure of the last few words since she's scared they wouldn't like it. Kaidou and Aren and Chiyo began tearing up before hugging Y/n tightly a group hug.


They all said in a unison making Y/n's hear melt feeling happy not regretting getting them all presents. This was worth it for her. While the others who wasn't in the group hug just watches quietly. Kei smile proud at this while Mera gave a thankful smile before opening her gift seeing a bunch of treats and snacks.


Meanwhile Kusuo just watches quietly hiding a small smile as he glances at his present immediately knowing what it is.

'Coffee Jelly so original. Although not like I'm complaining.'

"Check them out!"

Y/n says cheerfully at everyone as they all listened slowly opening there presents. Chiyo and Kokomi's were those obvious girls wants make up/bracelets and necklaces even rings. While The guys had interesting ones. Hairo with dumbbells which he probably already had while Nendou got coupons and a ramen pack. While Aren got a part of a motorcycle that can be useful and change. (I have no idea what I'm talking about let's pretend)

Kaidou was obvious with the Dark reunion book. Then for Kei It was also a book but not just any book, It was a limited time only book that he couldn't get before It got sold out plus new glasses next to it. He smiles seeing it knowing Y/n noticed that he hasn't changed his glasses for quite awhile.

'I guess It was worth it.'

Kusuo obviously heard these thoughts his mood slightly changing but went back to normal when he opened the present seeing a big coffee jelly with a note next to it saying "I made this so It's good''. He already knew about it before opening but It's still amusing. The note making him chuckle out of nowhere everyone immediately moving there head towards him.

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