2. never feel too good in crowds

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When we walk inside, the girls are hanging by the front door, most likely waiting on Paige to come back. Immediately, Dorka wraps her arms around me and I giggle as she does. She's one of my best friends, seeing her as an older sister.

"God, don't hog her Dorka," Azzi teases from behind the girl. To mess with Azzi, Dorka holds onto me for a little bit longer before releasing me so Azzi can get a hug.

I had known Azzi since 2017 (along with Paige) because Caitlin played on the U16 USA team with them. Obviously, Caitlin had known them better than I had before, but we all became friends which had been really nice, actually.

"You guys thirsty?" Dorka asks the group as Azzi wraps her arms around me and won't let go.

I nodded, the top of my head resting against Azzi's cheek. I see KJ and Ashton nod too, "I'll get drinks," Paige pipes up, taking count of what we want. KJ and I said any seltzer that wasn't White Claw and obviously, Ashton said water.

Paige and Dorka both head for the kitchen, Dorka going to help carry the drinks back.

"How's your sister doin, Lynnie?" Ashton asks. Ashton hadn't called me that in ages. He mostly stuck to "Gray" or just "Grace", but he used to call me Lynnie all of the time because of the "Lyn" in my name.

I smile, "She's thriving. Iowa is where she belongs," I tell him, Azzi's arm around me and my arm around her.

I would be lying if I said I didn't miss my sister. It sounds cheesy, but she really has been my best friend for as long as I could remember. I guess that happens with twins. There was always a great amount of arguing when we were young, but it lessened when we got to high school and lessened even more during our junior and senior years in high school.

"I saw that Liv was back in Iowa too," Azzi says with a small smile. She didn't know Liv as much, but had met her multiple times. Paige and Dorka come back with drinks, distributing them to whoever wanted them and Paige stands right next to me.

I nod with a grin, "She is! She's playing for the Hawkeyes now."

"No shit! That's fucking epic!" Ashton says with a smile as he adjusts where his arms fall as he holds KJ close to him.

"Yeah, here's to hoping for a rekindled flame!" I say, holding my seltzer up in a toasting fashion and everyone (just Azzi, KJ, Ashton, Paige, and I) follows my lead, "To rekindled flames!"

Azzi's arm falls from around me, going to refill her water, and immediately, I'm pulled into another person's side. Paige drops her head down to my ear, "Why are we toasting?" she whispers.

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