Chapter 2

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Wren tried to keep from nodding off as the rolling of the troop carrier started lolling her to sleep. Not that anyone would notice. Not while her helmet was on. It was more of a matter of principle. She was the commander. Not some foot soldier or cannon fodder.

Miskunn started whining and jumped down to be at Conall's feet. Zudikas answered her with an agreeing growl. Wren's eyes met Conall's. Something was wrong. Those hounds had even better instincts than they did.

"Is Zud okay-" he started but something crashed into the carrier. The metal beside her head dented in. Something had attacked into the carrier.

All at once both Cambion and the human soldiers grabbed their guns. They were all yelling. The human attempted to order the hybrids. Who wouldn't listen. Would only take orders from their commander.

She jumped to feet, pulling a directed energy weapon from her hip holster. Conall instinctively leaped in front of her. As if shielding her from whatever this was. Not that she needed any protection. She felt the eyes of a human soldier on her.

She knew what this looked like. A typical alien getting protective over a female. A stand response for an Aarkorian, even a half blood. But no one in Cambion had ever outright jumped in front of her. It was easily noticed as out of place. Now she really was going to get in trouble.

"Move Conall," she mumbled. Not really sure what else to say. Since now was not the time for a confrontation or argument. Not that she even wanted to acknowledge it.

"Sorry, commander," he said, cluing back in to reality and stepping aside. He drew his own gun and followed her as she strode towards the exit hatch. One of the human soldiers unclasped the last latch and shoved it open. The dark of the carrier drank in the light of dawn.

Wren jumped out first and the others started following suit. Before her she saw five Aarkorian soldiers riding criats. Vicious eight-legged war horses from Aarkos. But what caught her attention was that one of the soldiers had something on his shoulder. A rocket launcher.

"Requiem explosives at 3 o'clock!" she yelled, ducking as one was launched into the carrier. She pulled her gun. Shooting the nearest one's criat. Knowing she had no chance of piercing the soldier's armor with bullets. The criat fell with a scream and the Aarkorian fell off, dropping his gun. He got flustered and started searching wildly for it. A mistake.

Anger rose in her gut as the gun clicked repeatedly. Empty. She drew a long blade, made from a metal found only on Aarkos. She raised the sword above her head as she leapt into the air. Bringing it down across one of his curving horns. It was a clean break and the ridged horn fell into her waiting hand.

He screamed in agony and fell to his knees. She grabbed the severed horn and drove it through his throat. She moved onto the next soldier before that one could even fall limp.

Zudikas jumped beside her, then launched himself at a criat. Teeth tore into flesh as he tore it to shreds. The Aarkorian riding it growled, pulling out a handgun and starting to fire as he jumped off the wailing beast.

She sliced her sword in an upwards motion, cutting the soldier open from navel to neck. He gasped as black blood splattered, painting her suit with proof of her kill.

She went to move onto another but noticed the battle was over. Her soldiers had managed the other three. She sighed, shoving the one Aarkorian's horn into an empty holster. She leaned down to the closer one and cut off a horn from that one as well. Tucking in beside the other one.

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