Chapter Five - Protect Harry At All Cost

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"That's the worst I have ever seen him Mione" Draco tells the wild haired girl as she drapes her arms over him trying to comfort him. They went to one of the greenhouses knowing no one would be there at this time of day.

"Do you think he meant it? Hating Emma?" she questions him as he brings her hand resting on his bicep up to his lips to kiss.

"I think she broke his heart, but mostly I think he broke his own." He says honestly.

"Why won't he just be honest with her, tell her how he feels. How else is she suppose to know?" She asks.

He knows she's making an excellent point, but what she doesn't know....what no one but him and Theo know is why Mattheo continues to push the Potter girl away, believing he is saving her from his father.

"She has made it pretty clear that she can't stand him, Mione. I don't many guys willing to tell a girl he likes her when she can't stand him." He explains. "It's why it took me so long to admit my feelings for weren't exactly my biggest fan."

Hermione's eyes soften at the memories of how they got here to this point, together. He turns to face her, holding her hands in his as they look at one another.

"It's really hard to be a chosen, especially one who can't make decisions for herself and the only one's she can make are to ensure she protects her brother. Trust me, Emma Potter likes Mattheo Riddle....and she's fighting those feelings." Hermione admits in the quiet between them. Draco shakes his head in confusion.

"How do you know?" He questions her taken aback.

"When I told her not to say anything to Harry about us, she gave me a look that said she understood, then I caught her peeking up at Mattheo." She cups his face in one of her hands.

"Girls are weird." He rolls his eyes, Hermione tilts her head back laughing.

"I love you" He whispers. She wasn't sure she heard him right, her head snapping to meet his stare, a small sweet smile tilting her lips upwards. "I'm so in love with've had my heart since first year Hermione Granger." He searches her eyes, she quickly leans in crushing her lips to his.

Draco could feel all of her emotions bottled up in their kiss, his hands finding her hips pulling her in closer. She pulls back, both their chest heaving. "I love you too." She admits, his face splits into a huge grin pulling her back into a kiss.

When he pulls away after a few moments he rests his head on her forehead. "Say it again..." He pleads. Her chuckle making his heart swell. He's never known happiness like this. "I love you Draco Malfoy."

Meanwhile Emma was laying in her bed, her face tear stained. Thankfully she didn't have any left to give. Pansy rubs her back while Enzo laid with her holding her hand in his. He was worried about her, knew Mattheo was only going to break her heart. That's what he always does. He had hoped that Emma would be different...because she was different...perfect.

"Hey, how about we go raid the kitchen for sugary goodness?" Enzo tries to entice her. Emma peeks an eye at him.

"It's too close to Hufflepuff." She states like her answer was obvious.

"I don't understand?" Pansy says looking at Enzo for help or some sort of clarity.

"Rolf." Emma whispers, the realization dawns on the both of them.

"What can we do to cheer you up? We hate seeing you like this." Enzo questions pushing a strand of her hair out of her face.

"A time machine so I can go back to Beauxbatons and refuse to come here." She says flatly.

War, Love, and Riddle //Mattheo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now