The Beginning Of Jason B. Part 2

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It's now Tuesday and he's walking into CCPD,

he walks in and takes his badge, He looks up and see's a picture of Barry Allen, He continues to walk to his desk and he bumps into someone and he hears "Oh sorry" It's Barry AllenJason says "Wait your Barry Allen, I just seen your picture up ther...

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he walks in and takes his badge, He looks up and see's a picture of Barry Allen, He continues to walk to his desk and he bumps into someone and he hears "Oh sorry" It's Barry Allen
Jason says "Wait your Barry Allen, I just seen your picture up there a few seconds ago" Barry laughs and says "Yeah!, that's me you must be new here" Jason then says, "Yeah I'm new here, just picked up my badge, Homicide Detective"
And smiles, "Oh nice, nice, well I gotta get going I'll see you around" Barry says, Jason turns around and walks to his desk feeling a gust of wind behind him, he looks back in confusion but ignores it, He begins to work on paperwork that fills his desk, Just then, Reverse Flash zooms into the CCPD, He looks up the stairs on both sides then into the room on the bottom looking at all the desk, everyone shoots up and points they're guns at him we hear Kramer say "PUT YOUR HANDS UP" Reverse Flash laughs and says "Shut up, or I'll kill you and everyone else in here" Kramer puts her gun down and hides a small button in her hand, slightly behind her leg, She begins spamming the button then The Flash speeds in, Jason looks in awe and sneaks around some officers to get closer, "What are you doing here Thawne" Flash says, We then hear a normal voice begin to get distorted saying "Why don't you come find out, Flash" Reverse flash speeds at Flash but goes right beside him, He grabs Kramer and lifts her in the air, Jason shoots at Reverse Flash's chest, Reverse Flash drops Kramer as he hears the gun go off, He grabs some of the bullets before they hit him but one hits him in the side, Reverse Flash looks at Jason and is angry his eyes glowing red, he runs at Jason but Flash tackles Thawne, Thawne gets up and speeds off, Flash doesn't follow and makes sure Jason and Kramer are okay, But when he turns around Jason is gone, He looks confused and looks at Kramer and see's she's okay and speeds off. Jason is outside now, he looks down at his hand and it's vibrating, Jason looks in horror then he takes one step and speeds off, He then stops and looks around to see he's at the edge of Star City, He looks around him and realizes he has super speed, He smiles and then runs at super speed back to Central City

 Jason is outside now, he looks down at his hand and it's vibrating, Jason looks in horror then he takes one step and speeds off, He then stops and looks around to see he's at the edge of Star City, He looks around him and realizes he has super sp...

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He stops in the ally beside CCPD to then walk back inside

he goes back to his desk, A few hours go by all he's been doing is paperwork, he gets up and leaves CCPD, He gets in his car and drives home, he parks and then gets out but instead going inside he runs at super speed down the road, enjoying the fr...

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he goes back to his desk, A few hours go by all he's been doing is paperwork, he gets up and leaves CCPD, He gets in his car and drives home, he parks and then gets out but instead going inside he runs at super speed down the road, enjoying the freedom he feels while he runs, he circles back and runs back into his house, His clothes are on fire, he freaks out and takes his jacket and shirt off immediately, throwing them outside and stomping on them, putting the fire out "So looks like I'mma need to talk to Flash and find out how to get one of them fancy suits, because this ain't gonna work for me, I got rent" He laughs, then picks the clothes up and walks back inside, he throws them into the laundry room and falls onto his bed, letting out a big sigh, he closes his eyes and starts to fall asleep.

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