Chapter 2

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Grace came out of the light, as the light disappeared, she immediately looked for The Wiggles until she heard a familiar music and it was coming from the school

"Wait, I know that song" Grace said and she ran to the school

As she got there, there was a brick wall but it was so tall she couldn't see, so she climbed up and saw The Wiggles and Dorothy the Dinosaur performing "Can You (Point Your Fingers And Do The Twist?)"

After the song was done, Greg said "give yourselves a big clap! You were great twisters, everyone! Well done. Well done. Well, that should keep you awake there, Jeff"

"Yeah, yeah!" Jeff said

"But what about Dorothy? You must be tired after all that dancing" Greg said to Dorothy

"I sure am" Dorothy said

"Why don't you take a little break, Maybe munch on a few roses?" Greg suggested

"Oh, roses! Yummy! I love eating roses. Maybe I'll just have a little nibble" Dorothy said

"Alright. See you later, Dorothy" Greg said

"Bye. Dorothy!" The Wiggles and the students said

"Ok, come in close, everyone, so you can hear me" Anthony said to the students, they come in closer and Grace tries to lean forward so she can hear "ok, can you keep a secret, everyone?"

"Yes" the students whispers

"Well, today is Dorothy the Dinosaur's birthday" Anthony said and the students gasp "yeah and we're gonna give a great big surprise party for her tonight. You're all invited to join in the fun but we must keep it a secret. Dorothy loves a surprise!"

"Mmm, yummy roses!" Dorothy said in the distance, The Wiggles and the students all gasp, while spotting Dorothy coming "hey, Wiggles. Wiggles!"

"Oh, remember, not a word anyone" Anthony said to the school students and he closes lips "zip!"

The other Wiggles and the students zip their lips. Dorothy arrives back, while holding her roses, Jeff tries to talk but his lips are zipped

"How was that, Dorothy?" Jeff asked after he unzipped his lips

"Yummy for my tummy. Yummy for my tummy, Jeff. I'm so happy today" Dorothy said "do you know what special day it is?"

"Oh, Tuesday" Murray said

"Wednesday" Anthony said

"No, I meant..." Dorothy said

"Christmas Day!" The Wiggles said

"Chinese New Year!" Jeff said

The Wiggles were muttering different days

"No. No" Dorothy leaves sadly away and sighs "they've forgotten my birthday"

"Phew!" The Wiggles relieved

"That was close. Thanks, everyone" Anthony said "poor Dorothy thinks we've forgotten her birthday. She'll get such a surprise tonight!"

Greg came back on the stage, holding the magic vase

"Talking about surprises, how about I perform a little magic?" Greg removing hankie, revealing a vase of magic flowers. The Other Wiggles and the students applaud

"Hey, hey!" The other wiggles said

"Well, if I'm gonna do some more magic, I'll need to get my special things. First of all, I'll need to get out my magic wand, next, I'll need to get the Box of Mystery" Greg said "now this is a very special box given to me a long time ago by an old magician friend. I'll just go and get the Box of Mystery and then we can do some more magic everybody"

Grace Meets The Wiggles: Magical AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now