Chapter 4

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Dorothy, Wally and Grace arrived in Wiggle Town and they arrived at Wags the Dog's house

"This is where my friend Wags lives" Dorothy said gets off the tricycle and Wally takes his helmet off "he's pretty good with sticks and things so maybe he can fix the wand"

"Great, great, great, great, great!" Wally said

"I always visit Wags the Dog on my birthday, too. He's bound to remember" Dorothy said

"I'm sure he will!" Wally said

"Wags!" Dorothy called when she opens the door

Dorothy, Wally and Grace enters Wags World where the Wagettes, Skally, Cartwhelle and Fluffy are sleeping

The Wagettes wake up when they hear them come in

"Mr. Dog!" Wally said

"Hi, Wags!" Dorothy said and to the Wagettes "Hi!"

"These are my friends Wally and Grace" Dorothy said

"Hi Wags" Grace said

Wags barks

"Woof!" Wally said and Wags holds out a dog bowl with water in it "oh, do you think I could have that in a glass?"

"I came to see you today, Wags because... well, you know what day it is, don't you?" Dorothy asked

Wags shakes his head which leaves Dorothy disappointed. She and Grace starts playing with the Wagettes

"Er... never mind about that. Er... Dog. I-I-I mean, Wags" Wally explains as he takes out the magic wand pieces to show him "we have a slight problem with a magic wand. We were hoping you might be able to help us fix it!"

"We've had an accident with Greg's magic wand and it has to be fixed" Grace explains

Wags takes both pieces and puts them on his work Bench. He puts on his work goggles which makes Wally confused. Wags using a Power Tool fixes the wand while Wally watches with befuddlement. He gives it back to an excited Wally

"Thanks, Wags! Greg will be so pleased!" Dorothy said

"HUH?!?" Wally confused as sees that the crudely fixed the magic wand has a plastic bracket screwed on holding both pieces together while the pieces aren't connected straight, leaving a bent look to it.

Skally grabs the wand and runs around the Room with the other Wagettes. Wally chases after after Skally

"Give me back...My wand!" Wally said

"Give the wand back! Wally! Wally! Wally! What are you doing?" Dorothy said

"Bring my wand back here!" Wally said and to Dorothy, Wally and Grace after cornering the Wagettes "leave this to me. I'll use my great powers of hypnotism to get my wand back"

"Don't you mean Greg's wand?" Grace said as she crosses her arms

"Look into my eyes. You are getting sleepy. Sleepy" Wally tries to hypnotize the Waggets and turn to Dorothy, Grace and Wags "see, my magical powers are working."

Wally points in the air to distract the Wagettes and grabs the wand, but it flies out of his hand, hits the wall and falls to the ground, now broken into several smaller pieces.

"Oh, no!" Wally holds the pieces of the magic wand and becomes upset. "now look what you've done! I've got a good mind to..."

"Don't worry, Wally" Grace said

"Wags, why don't you and the Wagettes show us your new dance!" Dorothy said "Wally, sit down and your enjoy yourself and you too Grace"

Wags goes in the front and the Wagettes move behind him, as the lights turn off and a spotlight comes on

"And now, please welcome Wags and The Wagettes!" The Announcer said

Dorothy, Wally and Grace watches the show

An unseen audience applauds as the lights turn back on. Wags throws his hat to Wally, who gives it to Dorothy, who then puts it on his head. They both applaud

"Thanks, guys. That was excellent" Dorothy said when Wally gives Wags back his hat "but we'd better be going now so we'll see you later. Bye. Bye!"

Dorothy, Wally and Grace leave up the stairs

Wags and the Wagettes were barking goodbye

"Bye, everyone" Wally said and he pats Skally on the head while heading out

Dorothy, Grace and Wally comes out of Wags' House, Wally bangs his head on the way out

"Oh, that was fun! But not even my good friend Wags remembered my birthday" Dorothy sighs "and I don't think you've got much chance of getting that wand fixed again"

"But... but we have to! What about your other friends?" Wally said as he takes the pieces out of his pocket.

"Captain Feathersword! Well, he might remember my birthday" Dorothy said

"And... and maybe he could fix the wand!" Wally said

"Uh I don't think..." Grace said

"Aw, come on, girls" Wally said and puts the pieces back in his pocket

Dorothy helps Grace to get on the back of the tricycle and Wally gets on his tricycle

"Let's go see Captain Feathersword" Wally said, puts on his helmet and turns to Dorothy "hey, hey. Maybe he'll remember your Birthday. I have got to get this wand fixed!" and they rode off

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