Chapter 7

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At backstage, the Magicians are getting ready to perform and Roland came to them when Wally was practicing with the rings

"So you made it. You should make a tremendous impression in that Costume!" Roland laughs and swooshes his Cape then walks away while Wally imitates his laugh mockingly

"Oh, don't worry about him, Wally" Dorothy said

"As much as I hate to admit it, he's right" Wally said

"Remember the Magic Chest" a voice came in Wally's head

"Remember the... the Magic Chest! Now I get it!" Wally said drops the rings and starts moving boxes around looking for the chest, which he then finds "Waldo the Magnificent's chest!"

Wally opens the chest with Dorothy and Grace and starts rummaging around

"You know, when I was a little boy, I remember" Wally explains to them as he looks through the chest "my great-grandfather Waldo would wear his special suit in competitions. It's still here somewhere"

Wally finds Waldo's magic hat, turns it around and glitter falls out of it and puts it on his head

"Ooh!" Dorothy said and Wally takes out Waldo's jacket and puts it in front of himself "oh, Wally, that's magnificent!"

Wally takes off the hat and spots something covered with a cloth in the corner

"Waldo The Maginificent's cabinet" Wally said and pulls the cabinet out from next to the fireplace and removes the dusty red cloth "Ta-da!"

Dorothy and Grace coughs, Dorothy sneezes from the dust as Wally spins the cabinet around

"Wow!" Dorothy and Grace said

A while later, Wally has his new outfit on and is fixing it up while Dorothy and Grace finishes brushing off the cape. Roland walks sideways behind them waiting for his performance continually swooshing his cape, annoying Wally, who imitates his swooshing with his own cape

"Roland The Remarkable? You're next" Jimbo enters and Roland swooshes his cape and leaves through the door "Wally. You're last. You can watch Roland from side stage"

Jimbo leaves and closes the door, Wally sighs

"You look absolutely stunning, Wally" Dorothy said

"And you look handsome too" Grace said

Wally swooshes his new cape around himself proudly

In the Auditorium, Roland finishes his act and the audience cheers. Cecil and the two Magic Club Judges give it a score of 9 and show it to the audience, who cheer. Roland leaves the stage and Cecil comes up

"What a superb performance by Roland The Remarkable" Cecil said

Roland takes a bow while the audience applaud and cheer

"Wally, you know.." Dorothy said

"I, I know. I can do it, girls" Wally said and gives his badge to Dorothy "I believe in myself"

"Good luck, Wally" Dorothy and Grace said and Grace gives him a quick side hug

"And now our final act of the evening is Wally The Great!" Cecil introduced to Wally

Wally comes out on stage while a very small number of the audience claps and he bows. He stares at the audience and Roland silently. He picks up two rings and joins them together and the audience claps. He then separates them by blowing air at the point they separate. The audience claps again more confidently and Wally smiles. He puts down the rings and picks up a bucket and shows it to the audience, then pours green liquid into it. Then he swirls his hand over the bucket and throws glitter out at the audience. They laugh and applaud loudly and excitedly while Roland looks surprised. Wally takes a cloth off Waldo's cabinet and then he spins it around. He opens the doors revealing there's nothing inside and then closes them. He uses his fingers to put magic on the cabinet and opens the doors again to show a blue sky, then flowers come flying out and slowly land on the audience like bubbles as they watch in awe

Wally closes the cabinet doors again and holds up his cape while the audience watches intensely and then down revealing Dorothy and Grace on stage behind him

"Ta-da!" Dorothy and Grace said together

Cecil, the judges and the audience applaud

Wally then creates up a bunch of roses but the roses fall off leaving green stems with no roses on them, like what happened at the Dance Academy earlier

"Oh" Dorothy said

Then he tries again by using some magic by blowing on the bottom of the rose bunch. Red roses come out of the ends of the stems. He gives the roses to Dorothy. The audience applaud again

"Oh! Roses! Oh wonderful, Wally!" Dorothy said

Wally and Dorothy hold hands and take a bow. The Magic Club Judges hold the 9 score papers and Cecil holds the 10 score paper. Wally realizes it and is surprised, as the judges show the score papers to the audience. The audience applaud and cheer with praise

"Oh! Wally, you won! Well done, Wally!" Dorothy and Grace said

One of the judges gives Waldo's magic wand to Cecil and Cecil goes up on stage

"Well, I don't think there's any doubt about our winner" Cecil said to the audience "I hereby declare the Magic Club Champion to be Wally The Great!"

The audience applaud and cheer

"Yay, Wally!" Grace cheered

"On behalf of the Magic Club, I'd like to present you with your great-grandfather's magic wand" Cecil said to Wally and the audience applauds again as he gives Waldo's wand to Wally, shakes his hand, then whispers in his ear

"Yeah! Yeah" Wally said after Cecil whispered to him

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, our reminder that because Wally is our winner, he will perform later at a very special celebration" Cecil said

"...I know, I know. We've got to find The Wiggles" Wally said

"Maybe they're at Wigglehouse? Dorothy said

"Well, Let's go!" Wally said "See ya, Uncle"

"Bye!" Dorothy and Grace said

"Later" Wally said and leaves the stage

A while later, they arrive at the Wigglehouse

"Here it is! Wigglehouse!" Dorothy said

They get off the tricycle and walk up to the piano steps

"Who goes there?" Door asked

"It's me, Door! Dorothy the Dinosaur!" Dorothy said

"Likely story" Door said

"But she is" Wally said

"Yes and I'm a talking door" Door said "anyway, you're not coming in until you do the test"

"Very well" Dorothy said

"What's Jeff's favorite food?" Door asked

"Don't you mean what's Jeff's favorite sport?" Dorothy asked

"Isn't that what I said?" Door asked

"It's sleeping!" Grace said

"Alright then... what's Dorothy's favourite food?" Door asked

Dorothy, Wally and Grace looked at each other gasping and said "Roses!"

"Oh, not again! Twice in one day!" Door said while the Wigglehouse opens "no wonder I'm becoming unhinged!"

Dorothy and Wally enter the Wigglehouse

Dorothy checked in every Wiggles' rooms but no one was there

"Oh! There's nobody here" Dorothy said

"I could have told you that" Door said

"Gee, what a birthday this has been" Dorothy sadly

"Oh, Cheer up, Dorothy. Let's go to the celebration! Yay! Come on! Wally said when Dorothy sits down on the yellow beanbag and he was doing some dancing making Grace giggle "there'll be music and dancing"

"I think it'll be fun" Grace said when Wally kneed down and Grace sat next to her

"No, I don't think so, Grace" Dorothy said

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