The New Boy

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Deku's POV
    When we got back to the campus. We got out of the van laughing and giggling. Upon entering the dorms we ran into the rest of the class and Aizawa. I rolled my eyes slightly with how Aizawa looked at us. Thank God we had eye drops, body spray, and gum. He gestures for us to sit.  We sat on the empty couch, me with my legs across Sero's lap and his arm around me, Kami on Shinsou's lap, Kiri on Bakugou's lap and Ochaco on Mina's lap with Tsuyu's legs over Mina while Mina had her arms around them both.

   “Alright class, you'll need bug spray, 3 changes of clothes plus your gym clothes. Obviously you're gonna need your personal items and I trust that you all know what else to bring?” Aizawa asked. And everyone agreed. “Get a good rest because you're gonna need it.” Aizawa said. “That means no drugs.” A boy said while doing weird chopping motions. “Nor alcohol.” He said again. “Thank you Iida.” Aizawa said.

    "¿Así que esa es Iida?" (So that's Iida?) I asked Sero. ", amor." (Yes, Love) Sero said. I looked at Iida then I noticed the boy with half coloured hair staring at me. "¿Aquél? ¿Todoroki?" (That one? Todoroki?) I asked. Sero looked at him. ", ese es él". (Yeah that's him.) Sero said. Sero didn't really seem to like Todoroki so I just stayed quiet. “All done? Good.” Aizawa said making Kami snicker a little. "¿Qué pasa, Aizawa?" (What's wrong Aizawa?) Kami asked. Yeah everyone learned Spanish so that when gaming, they can understand Sero.

    Aizawa looked at Kami like he was ready to fail him just cause. "Está bien Aizawa, puedo traducir para ti." (It's alright Aizawa, I can translate for you) Bakugou said and no one could contain their laughter. “Close your mouths before I fail you for this assignment.” Aizawa said. "Relájate papá, no es tan grave". (Relax pops, it's not that serious.) Shinsou said and I almost lost my shit. I leaned closer to Sero while trying to contain my laughter. “Can you guys just be quiet so Aizawa can finish.” A monotoned voice said and Sero looked right at Todoroki. "Por supuesto, mi rey." (Of course, My King.) Sero said Sarcastically.

    In the end Aizawa just said be ready at 8 on the dot and meet him in the common area. After that we went straight to our dorm rooms. I started to pack clothes and my personal Items until I got a call from our group chat. I answered and everyone else was joining to. We decided to play a game together. We played Minecraft, and when Sero died of course BakuBea said something first.

   “That's why you died bitch!” BakuBea said. {And Sero took that personally} “Es por eso que tu mamá no te quiere”. (That's why your mom doesn't love you.) Sero said and everyone started laughing. “Damn!” Kami said while Kiri was trying not to laugh making BakuBea pout a bit. “You too babe?” He said acting hurt. “Should've just kept your fuckin mouth shut.” Shinsou said while laughing a bit. “For real man, Sero packed you up!” Mina said while laughing.

    I was dying aleady. “S-Sero! That wasn't nice!” I said while laughing. “Says the one who can't due to laughter!” Tsuyu said and we started laughing even more. After awhile we all got off the game and went to bed. I was about to get in bed when I heard a knock at my door and when I opened it, surprise surprise it's Sero. “Hey Love.” He said and I noticed that he had his bag with him. “Heyy." I said while crossing my arms.

   “So, are you planning to stay here for the night?” I asked him and he nods and kisses my cheek knowing that I'll let him. He made his way to my bed as I shut and locked my door. I went to my bed and laid next to him. Amor, realmente, realmente te amo”. (Love, really, really love you.) Sero said making me blush. “Te amo, Izuku Midoriya.” (I love you, Izuku Midoriya.) Sero said again as he moved closer to me. “Te amo, Sero Hanta.” (I love you, Sero Hanta.) I said as I moved closer to him. He smiled and he kissed me and I kissed back. Things got steamy as he ended up between my legs on the bed.

    After a while we decided to go to sleep cuddling. The next morning Iida came knocking on everyone's door to wake them up in time for the trip. Me a Sero woke up and I grabbed a change of clothes and my bathroom things, and he followed suit. (they all have bathrooms in their dorm room.) We brushed our teach freshened up. After that we went to the common area and met up with the skater squad.

    “Morning Love Birds.” Shinsou said while tilting his head back for me to pet. “Morning Asshole.” Bakugou said to Sero for what happened last night. “Morning to you too Pomeranian.” Sero said. “Deku I have a question!” Mina said as she suddenly sprung up from the couch. “What's Up Mina? Also why are you this excited at 7:58 in the morning?" I said tiredly. “Well I have this talent show at some other school and I would like you to dance with me!" She said.

    “Why, Tsuyu and Ochaco can't?” Bakugou asked. “No way! I have stage fright!” Ochaco said. “And I just don't dance!" Tsuyu said. I sighed. “So when is it?” I asked Mina. “A week from now! And I have the perfect song and dance to go with it already, all you have to do is learn it and if you want, you can pick a song too!” She said happily. “So please!?” she asked me while holding my hands. “Please say yes!" Mina basically begged.

    “Alright fine, I do it I have no issues stage fright and I dance." I said in defeat. “Yes!” Mina let go as she cheered and I went and sat next to Sero. At 8:01 we heard a honk and we left the dorms and loaded into the bus. Aizawa did a head count and we were off. We made it to the woods where Aizawa made us get out of the bus. “This is part of your training. Make your way through that forest, With these.” he said as he took out these tracking devices that looked really weird. We all put one in our pockets and he sent us in the woods one by one.

    Me and the skater squad met up and stayed together through the whole thing. We fought off the same robot things from the entrance exam, and yes I was there I just left again. Anyways we actually made it through faster than the rest of the class so we just stuck around in the forest until others started showing up.

Okay first off really quick. From next chapter and onward whenever any character speaks in literally any other language it will be written like “This” cuz I say so.


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