Part 2: Meeting Him Once Again

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The fourth floor had a long hallway with walls that were still freshly painted. It had no furniture yet, tapestries or paintings to decorate the entire area. A room that was located in the middle of the floor was the one that Selene chose. It was particularly an odd room. Duke Wyndall had it designed to be an altar of worship supposed to be, but now, since he promised her daughter, there was nothing that he could do but to give her the particular room.

Selene's chosen room looked barren at first. Its hexagonal shape was easily seen and the plain-looking dome ceiling didn't give off an impressive aura. However, as soon as she transferred her belongings there, little by little the space became livable after two days. She was also given a chance by her parents to decorate it by herself as they knew that she had a talent in interior designing, most specifically the gift of painting and sculpting. With this in mind, she had Mrs. Latrice buy a variety of paint mediums like Greek pitch, linseed oil, gesso, plaster, blue smalt, azurite and charcoal to use for the project.

There were four casement windows in the room; two were in the west wall which showed a clearing near a cliff; while the other two in the east wall displayed the vast field of oats and wheat. Here in this window too, exhibits the small hill Selene used to visit whenever she feels lonely. The maple tree standing alone in it still boasted the same red magnificence; however it is bigger, sturdier and taller now than it was 10 years ago.

On the third day of her stay inside her new room, she began starting her project of painting the dome ceiling. It was late in the afternoon when she took a brief tea break. Mrs. Latrice placed the lemon tea and a slice of cinnamon cake in a coffee table near the east window.

Selene was sitting in the chair when she caught a glimpse of a man's silhouette standing under the maple tree. Her heart then skipped a beat and out on impulse stood up quickly to look at the man more clearly.

She wasn't insane enough to actually wish that it would be him. For crying out aloud, 10 years had already passed and probably, he has a family of his own by now. However, there was still an ecstatic feeling left in her heart. If it is him, she would definitely want to ride her horse, Turri, as fast as she can so that she could ask his name.

"Milady? Are you okay?" the maid attendant asked as she noticed the abrupt change of her Mistress' behavior.

Selene couldn't clearly define the man's face but deep inside her, intuition was saying that it was truly him.

"Tell Sir Dayle to fetch my horse now!" she exclaimed, not wanting to loose precious seconds from just staring out of the window.

"Ye— yes Milady I will," Mrs. Latrice replied quickly.

Stay there. Please stay there! I will not be long. She stated in her mind.

It took Selene 5 minutes to finally reach the small hill. She left her horse alone to graze about the lush grassland while she continued on foot towards the tree. The man was still standing there, seemingly intent on staring at the landscape ahead of him. His hands were both inside his black trousers pockets which was partnered with an open three-button black shirt. The soft breeze ruffled his unkempt hair sexily and this made Selene's heart pound heavier than normal. It was more so when she realized that it was indeed him.

As if the man knew, he turned his back to face her, acknowledging her presence with a silent nod. Their eyes met; hazel ones to brown in an entangling spell.

"You..." Selene muttered softly under her breath, wide-eyed, hands sweaty, heart beating fast.

"Hi, little girl." The man smirked as he greeted.

This made Selene frown immediately. This definitely wasn't a greeting she had expected.

"I am not little," mumbled she in an unpleasant way. She gave him a glare amidst feeling excited herself of finally meeting him again.

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