Chapter 20 / Hatred

414 19 21

" Yiz_DeShu <3

Warning :
This chapter will contain cursing so if you are not comfortable with that, I dearly apologize.

Soobin's POV

And there he was, standing upon the grave of the one at fault for everything that has happened, or was he?, Soobin's dream was once again disturbed when his alarm clock that was set for 5:00 AM went off. Exhausted and drained for what happened the day before, he got up with a grunt, slightly sliding from his bed. He was ready to get inside the shower when he noticed his towel wasn't placed in the towel rack like the usual and without a thought, he immediately knew it was still placed in the storage room where the washing machine was, considering that wash day was yesterday. As he was about to head there, he encountered his Yeonjun Hyung in the small hallway, with an odd expression.

" Oh sorry Hyung- " Upon realizing the expression his Hyung had, it would have been too rude to not ask.

" Are you okay Hyung?, You look abit pale... " He actually displayed a genuine concern for the older.

" Ah. Don't mind it " He was wearing sweatpants that were a darker shade of grey topped off with a white sleeveless shirt. In his right hand was a glass of water while the other hand was inside of his pockets.

" Are you sure? " At that specific moment in time where they were standing slightly closer to each other than usual, Soobin had become aware of the fact that Yeonjun was alot shorter than him than what he was expecting, he found that kind of adorable.

" Hpmhm, are you done taking a bath? " Yeonjun said as he walked past the younger, heading inside Soobin's room.

He snapped back to reality in an instant " About to, I'm gonna get my towel real quick "

" Hmphm, okay " Yeonjun responded as he stretched his arms, slightly revealing his stomach.

Yeonjun's POV

Not even Yeonjun would have expected this. Turns out, the reason of Yeonjun's paleness was a dream that he just had that night. During the first minutes of his dream, there wasn't something completely unusual, until Soobin came in the picture, nothing was completely strange about it until he mentioned the fact that they were engaged and he showed him the ring that he " proposed with " and the bouquet of flowers he gave during their Friday night dates. He was awoken at the time of 4:27 AM, he was drenched, all he felt was the sweat that was running from his forehead to his chin and the heartbeat of his heart that was faster than on average.

" Ah..- shit " He mumbled as he placed his hand that was slightly shaking on his dripping forehead.

He took a glance at the alarm clock that was placed on the bed side table and saw that it was already 4:30 AM. Although his classes starts at 9AM, Soobin's classes starts at 7AM and he genuinely enjoys the walks they share together while they head to school.

" Might as well just take a bath then " He thought as he got up from the bed quietly.

Time skip :

The two bid their good byes to their parents before heading off to school. Like the usual, Soobin was wearing the uniform together with the blazer and at the same time, Yeonjun was wearing the uniform but with a denim jacket, he also wore his maroon-colored beanie hat.

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