Prologue -Chapter 5

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In Savanaclaw:

"Where did (y/n) go?" Ruggie asks Leona who only yawns in response. "Don't know. Probably to laze around and escape those darn duties." Leona suggests, "he does have a place he always flees to if he isn't at the dorm or in Diasomnia hanging out with Malleus Draconia. That guy annoys me a hella lot anyway." He finishes.

Back to the Ramshackle dorm:

"I should look around." Yuu says. Walking through the damaged hallways trying to avoid any foul floor panels Yuu opens many doors. Some door leading to what seems like a makeshift kitchen of sorts. Overs you could see the remains of people using the accommodations. Some doors where only half existing and others didn't have a door anymore. Most door were creaking and falling apart at even the slightest touch of a person.

A gust of wind flew past Yuu causing him to shiver. "I feel like I'm going to have a lot of fun at night and when the rain starts. This building is basically falling apart the doors don't hold up and the roof is leaky just as much as the walls." Yuu says.

A light at the end of a hallway that was curving to the right caught Yuu's attention. "Hmm?" *What's that it's dark out what is it coming from? * Yuu thinks. He continues to walk in the direction of the light. "What cliché is this? The light at the end of the hallway?" Yuu asks no one in particular. Reaching the door, he could finally see the intricate design adorning the dark wooded door. He could recognise animals interacting on the door. A Hyena standing next to a Panther bigger than him, while screaming at what seemed to be a lion with a scar over the eye. The panther looked bored at the situation at hand... or paw--- "GWAH! It's pouring out there!" he heard a shrill voice behind him.

Yuu was so focused on the door he didn't even realise that the rain had started already. Yuu turned to look at where the noise came from only to see the racoon cat from before. "Why are you so determined to go to this school?" Yuu asks surprising the Cat Grim who hadn't realised his presence. "Isn't it obvio— "he starts when a huge drop of water lands on his head soaking Grim even more in water. "MyaH! I don't care where but I wanna go somewhere dry. Get out the way! This door seems too out of place to be old!" Grim leaps at the door almost hitting Yuu. The magical cat smashes against the door with a loud BANG. The door now open reveals a cosy room that was completely dry.

A growl behind Grim and Yuu brought them out of their daze. Suddenly turning around, they come face to face with a grumpy panther who seemed to have been sleeping in said room. Snarling at them a minute longer till he finally calmed down enough to release his unique magic.

"What are you doing here?"

"Yee hee hee... Bwa ha ha ha ha ha." A sudden voice sounds. "Bwaaaaaa!" Grim screams coming face to face with three poltergeists continuing to laugh about his fright. "We haven't had visitors besides the scary cat in years." A loud growl came from (y/n) causing the ghosts to sweatdrop. "All the people that used to live here got scared and ran away. We just want to play. What do you say human?" The ghosts ask Yuu.

(y/n) POV

Standing to the side I watch as Grimm jumps at the ghosts with his eyes clenched. He misses. *Stupid*. This went on for another ten minutes until Yuu teams up with the rat Grin or whatever his name was. "Aaaahh It burns!" screams one of the poltergeists. They are focused on themselves as I leave. *My nap was disturbed and now they didn't even know I was still there.... "Yawn" I'm tired... guess I'll go back to the dorm or visit Malleus*. 

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