Chapter one; Beacon Hills

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"Are you ready?" Damon asked as he pulled his book-bag over his left shoulder. I nodded, and pulled out the keys to our black Jeep.

"Let me drive?" I asked, bringing the car to life with the twist of a key. Damon smiled, and then agreed to let me drive the precious Jeep.

I was in love with this Jeep, I don't know why. I pulled into Dagger's driveway and honked the horn.

"Dagger get your lazy ass out here!" Damon shouted, with a smile plastered across his face. I've never really seen when Damon wasn't smiling, he was so pure.

"I'm coming, God." Dagger huffed, dragging his black suitcase behind him.

"Bye, Dagger! Love you, stay safe baby." Dagger's mother shouted from inside, but we all heard her.

"Stop embarrassing me infront of my friends! But I love you too.." Dagger sighed.

"Get in the car mamas boy. We still have to pick up Harley and Ranger." Damon chuckled, shifting towards the backseat. Dagger always sat in the front, he was claustrophobic.


We began unpacking our bags inside the hotel, but the whole place smelled of dog. Or as some might call them, werewolves. Damon told me never to go near one, but in this case it was exceptional. We've been rivals since Babylonian times, at least that's what the books say. So I guess you can say cats and dogs really don't get along.

"So when are we taking them out?" Dagger asked, folding his clothes into a wooden drawer.

Damon shrugged, "When the hunters aren't aware. It's not just killing werewolves to them anymore, they kill the supernatural for sport. Plus, I didn't think this whole town would reek of dog, it's going to be hard to find them."

Damon was right, anyone could be one of them. But I shrugged it off, I was trained to be an assassin. To kill every wolf in sight, because...actually, I don't know why. I stopped listening to my consciences a long time ago, I can't screw up this mission with asking questions.


Tonight was quiet. Damon was knocked out cold, Harley was drooling on the small sofa, Ranger was sleeping at the end of Damon's bed like a dog, and Dagger..where's Dagger? I shifted in my bed, and there he was. He must've fallen asleep in my bed when we were watching movies, gross.

My bare feet hit the solid wooden floor, and the sound of the T.V was making the background noise. I didn't want to be cooped up in this hotel room with these idiots, even if they were asleep. I spent four-teen hours in the car with them already. It's not that I hate them, because that's not true. I'd do anything for them. But I feel as if I don't belong, and I've felt that way since the beginning.

At home, I would always take walks at night. It helped clear my head, so I slipped on my boots and quietly left the building. That's a bonus of being a leapard, not making a sound.


I've been walking for half an hour, but I know my way back. I have Dagger's scent imprinted in my memory, he smelled of us the most. An open sign caught my attention, it flickered blue and red. It was a gas-station. I had about twenty bucks in my pocket, I should grab some stuff for us to eat tomorrow. Snacks of course.

I walked into the store, and an old man greeted me inside. I grabbed a case of Red-Bull, chips, and candy. I don't know what it is, but we can't get enough of this energy drink. The bell to the front door rang, and another customer walked inside. He looked young, and he held a basketball under his left arm.

"Derek, hey. How's your mother?" the clerk asked. The boy grabbed a case of twizzlers, and his long fingers wrapped around the plastic casing.

"She's fine, everyone's pretty much alright. Thanks for asking," he smiled.

"You better not be giving your family a hard time, stay out of trouble, okay?" the old man chuckled.

The boy-Derek-smiled and laughed a bit more. His laugh was endearing, I tell you. I guess everyone knows each other in such a small town, nothing like back at home.

I placed my items infront of the man, and the boy took a step back. His smile was still plastered across his face, but I didn't return one. I need to get back home before they know I'm not there.

"21.05" the man smiled. I groaned, I only had a twenty. How embarrassing.

The tall boy took notice, and slipped a dollar bill and a nickel into my hand. I looked up at him, and he smiled again. The old man packaged my items, and I began to walk out. I turned back around, the boy was following me.

"Thank you." I smiled, my cheeks getting hot. The boy dribbled his ball, and started walking a different direction. "It was my pleasure."


Once I got to the hotel, the Jeep was no longer parked outside. I began walking back anyway, looking for door B-132.

Dagger met me in the hall, "Oh my God, Tigger! Are you kidding me? Damon went on the hunt for you, dude." Dagger exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, jeez. You guys were all sleeping so I went to get us snacks, no biggy." I explained.

Dagger began cracking up, "Oh, Tigger. I can't stay mad. Especially because you brought a case of Red-Bull."

I followed Dagger back into the hotel room, but I sent Damon a text explaining what happened. I know I'm going to get in trouble for leaving, especially when there are werewolves crawling around. But I'm glad I did, I met someone today.

He was absolutely stunning.


AN; Okay, so here's chapter one! Woah. Anyway, it might take me some time to updat and etc. Only because I really want this story to be good, hopefully. Thanks for reading! x

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