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In a far away experimental lab Theirs a familys of a well known as the smartest scientist who experiment and create a mystical magics impossible things like (flying, creatures and other more powers) and that is the Hamada and sulivan but sadly the sulivan had disapear no one knows what happen to them.

the scientist have kids. the oldest one is Caleb, 1st middle is Karlos, 2nd middle is Kyla and finally youngest Yumi, and like some of other kids, all of them got ignored because of his dad's work and experimental duty,

as always caleb tried to think how his going make games so his siblings won't get bored

Caleb's pov:

"Gosh our father seems so careless for god knows why did he even bother to have kids at all" he said while chasing his siblings because they are playing tag yumi came close to Caleb he shook Caleb

"brother why is father not playing with us unlike those two that bonds with his father" curious yumi kept asking her brothers so

Caleb said "Father is just busy with works and stuff so he can't play with us, don't worry he will play with us when his not busy" Caleb replied while he pats yumi. but deep down in caleb's thoughs thier father doesn't care about them.

it brokes caleb's heart to lie to his siblings because of his stupid father

"Caleb ik you lied but don't worry i won't tell them you lied about father's absence" Karlos said and sits beside with caleb. Caleb smiles

"One day they will understand why father doesn't bother to go with us" Caleb said while watching Kyla and yumi play

~Time skip~

Yumi's pov:

Its morning again and as usual I do my daily hygiene wash face and brush teeth I go to the dinning area to eat some breakfast I was only expecting my brother's, sister and mom, but I saw father for the very first time that he eats with us I felt happy cause dad is here and not doing his works I smiled and then sat on my chair

"good morning everyone and father I'm glad to see you today" I said smiling bright and then father smiled back

"good morning sweetie your really happy today" he replied I smiled

and said "ofc father your here and this is the first time you eat with us"

he smiled but I felt something weird when I started to eat my food I started to feel dizzy

"f-father..?" I blacked out then I heard mom screaming painfully I wanted to get up but seems like I been drugged.

i woke up in a small bed room and I was alone with some boy that is chained up in his bed, idk what happened or what's going on I saw a big mirror and i have a hospital clothes if I am right,a collar,a NC (nasal cannula) and I have a hand drip.

I felt confused about it I thought I was sick or something, then some doctor came and I ask

"hello I believe your the doctor if may I ask what happened and am I sick?" Confuse me questioned the doctor

"yes apperantly your sick is getting worse so i just need to inject you a medicine"

he injected me and it hurt like a knife just stabbed you Then he left after my medicine I'm still confused why I'm here

I came closer to the boy when he screams and I realized that it's Karlos with a dragon tail and like a star that shines I shocked my head hoping it's a dream but no it's not

"Karlos..?" I shoock him abit "yumi your awake thank goodness!" He cried I was confused

"what happened and how long have been I out Karl?" I hugged Karl hoping he would calm

"well dad drugged us, I also think we are dad's new lab rat, killed mom and I think caleb is with Kyla and I think you been out for 2 days straight" Karl said I was total shocked I can't believe it our dad raised us so we can be his lab rat and destroy our family I broke down and cried Thier unexpected shocked the ground began to shake

"Yumi calm down pls I know it's hard to believe but stay strong believe me I expirence this when Caleb told me" he said while bugging me tight

"¡DIOS SABE PORQUE NI SIQUIERA ME DI CUENTA DE QUE NUESTRO PADRE ES UN MONSTRUO UN MONSTRUO DE MIERDA! (God knows why didn't I even realize that our father is a monster a fucking monster!)" I shouted and it began to thunder

"Yumi calm down control your emotions and power shhh don't worry I'm here yai" Karl hugged me so tight

"Okie okie I will try.." I said hugged Karl back and then I came close to Karl and lay down is this a new start of my life? Are we even gonna survive whatever is the fate is I will follow you god pls guide us.. then I slept hugging Karlos

"Don't worry yai I promise you I will keep you save in the meantime I need to find Caleb and Kyla" Karl said Karlos hugged yumi tight and fell asleep

To be continued...

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