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It takes Jimin a total of five days to recover from his heat. No one dared to come to Jimin's room while he suffered through his heat. It was a rule not to. He woke up on and off in pain and horny.

It definitely wasn't the best five days of his life but he's glad that he's doing better now. While he was in heat, he couldn't think much of anything else but getting some kind of relief. Then he thought of Taehyung. He wanted Taehyung with him. But then the memories of that night came.

The memories of that night flashed through his mind. The way Seokjin was close to claiming Jimin because of his best pheromones. And then Taehyung came to save Jimin but with the consequences of severely injuring Seokjin. Even though Jimin wasn't fond of Seokjin, he still felt bad for him and hoped that he was okay.

Jimin gets up from his bed and takes a bath. He then changes into clean clothes and heads outside to look for Yoongi. His family wasn't home at the moment so he had to ask Yoongi what happened to the two Alphas. Jimin walked around the pack grounds looking for his best friend until he found him making flower crowns for pups at the local school for the pups. The pups loved Yoongi's flower crowns and crocheted toys.

"Yoongi!" Jimin runs over to his best friend

The said omega happily turns to Jimin's direction to see that he was okay. He hugs Jimin tightly and also checks to see if he was injured. "Are you okay Jiminie? I heard what happened a few days ago...e-everyone knows"

Jimin awkwardly scratches the back of his neck "Yeah i-i'm fine now but...what about the Alphas?"

Yoongi just sighs "Well...Seokjin is still recovering at the pack doctor house. He lost alot of blood and has so many broken bones because of Taehyung's attacks. And Taehyung? Well he's obviously been put in solitary confinement while he awaits trial for his crime"

"What!? A trial!?" Jimin said in shock "N-No! I have to tell father to get him out" he said ready to run to find his father but Yoongi grabs Jimin's hand

"Wait, you're not actually going to defend him are you?" Yoongi asked Jimin with a frown

Jimin gulps just thinking about how Taehyung protected him "Of course I am. Taehyung was just trying to help me. Yeah he took it too far but...but I was in heat"

"Jimin listen to me when I tell you, I have a very bad feeling about Taehyung. Sure, you could say he was responding to your heat but something doesn't feel right" Yoongi tried his best to convince Jimin "In fact, he just might've been the one that killed Namjoon"

Jimin snatched his hands away from Yoongi and he glares at his best friend "Don't! Don't say that about Tae he wouldn't do that. Yes I know he's protective of me, but he means well. Don't be so negative!"

"But— Hey Jimin wait!" Yoongi shouts after the now running Jimin

Meanwhile Jimin waste no time trying to find his father. He's most likely at his office at the community square. It's a public space where he and other elders of high ranking in the pack like to meet. Also that's where unruly Wolves and rouges are put. The basement level of this building was dark and cold. There were holding cells made of thick material bought from the humans.

Jimin immediately burst into the office to see that his father and a few other elders were having a meeting. Jimin immediately gets down on his knees as an attempt to beg for forgiveness on Taehyung's behalf.

"Father please let Taehyung go! He was just trying to help!"

Mr Park just stares sternly at his omega son "You know I can't do that Jimin. Taehyung nearly killed Seokjin. That's unacceptable"

Jimin now gets up and clings onto his father's arm trying even more ways to get his father to agree. He didn't care if the group of elders watching them right now. "It's my fault! I-It was my heat pheromones! H-He didn't know what he was doing either. Just let him go!"

"Jimin! I said NO! Besides, Taehyung has been a recent suspect for Namjoon's murder. He's going to comply with our investigations. Until then, feral wolves stay in the basement!" His father yelled causing Jimin to back away in surprise. His father was usually gentle with him.

Jimin breathing heavily, suddenly runs to the basement level door in the office. The elders were now talking amongst themselves about Jimin's erratic behavior. His father immediately runs after Jimin. "Stop JIMIN!"

Jimin didn't listen. For the first time he defies his father. The commotion Jimin even got Taehyung's attention from his cell. He hears the loud boom of the door being forced open and Jimin's footsteps coming closer. He brings his body close to the cell door, sticking his head through the bars as best as he could.

"Tae!" Jimin said running to his cell that was the last one in the hallway. "I'm so sorry, I'll get you out!" he said holding Taehyung's face through the bars

Taehyung's stares at Jimin as if he was in a trance. Not being able to see Jimin for five days made him very anxious; Especially knowing that Jimin was in heat. "It's okay Jiminie...i'm okay. Are you okay?"

Jimin just nods his head and smiles "I'm fine, it's going to be fine"

"JIMIN!" the omegas father yells "Get away from him, NOW!"

Jimin glares at his father, not moving from his spot. "No! I won't leave this spot. Taehyung is...is the only one I love! He tried to protect me, why don't you understand that!! I'm not moving from this spot until you let him out!"

His father was truly in shock by his son's behavior. He ran his hands over his face, feeling stressed and unsure on what to do. He stood there for a couple minutes just watching his son and Taehyung interacting lovingly. Deep inside and as a father he knew that something was wrong with Taehyung but he didn't want his son acting out like this. Besides, he's never seen Jimin so passionate before.

"Okay" his father's deep voice breaks through "I'll let him out. But that doesn't mean he's still not a suspect."

Jimin looked up at his father happily. He gets up from his knees and smiles. "Y-You'll let him? Thank you father thank you—"

"But! That doesn't mean he won't be punished for beating Seokjin." His father takes the cell keys from his back pocket and unlocks Taehyung's cell "You're going to make a public apology to the pack and Seokjin himself."

Taehyung stands from his spot and walks out the holding cell. His face was stoic but he gives a bow of acknowledgment to Jimin's father for letting him out.

"Of course...head Alpha"


I seriously need to finish these New Jeans Songs X BTS fanfic series. It wasn't supposed to take this long lol

I have more books to write, there's suppose to be 12 in total so yeah... might take a while again. 😓

Sorry for not being motivated to write like the way I use to 😭😭🙏🙏

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