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"it's not yet over, is it..?"

The girl weakly said, struggling to get back up in her knees.

"No.. not yet.. ready to go again sunshine..?"

The shark like girl forced a grin before looking back Infront of them. The light that beholds the myth's end began to glow more, shining through every city's tall and small buildings.

Before they got even close to the ball of light, it exploded. TV like screech echoed through everywhere. No one is near. No one existing. Just a white like place which nothing existed.

Amelia, the member of the myth, awoken from her unconsciousness. She felt a sting in her head. A bad headache. The time traveling detective looked around and investigated her surroundings. Checking for any surviving people.

No one.

It's all empty.

There was no one there.

Amelia called out for anyone, hoping for a respond.



She fell down to her knees. A faint, quiet sob echoed through the place.

She panted.

It began harder to breathe.

She couldn't breathe.


She heard ticking. It was her pocket watch.

The detective took it out, it's still working.

Her eyes filled with hope, clutched her pocket watch on to her chest. Precious little hope for the dear, poor little detective.


Ticking is heard. Amelia breathes in. She's ready.

A click is heard. Amelia disappeared. No one is left.

For awhile, it stayed like that. Until everything went reverse. The ball of light, the end of the world,


the death of myth.

Amelia opened her eyes. There she meets the sun, beating down on her, shinning brightly as if nothing had happened. The detective scanned her surrounding. She's on the shore of the beach. she spots a naked girl with a shark tail in the rocky area. A smile appeared on her face.

She walked closer to the girl. The girl noticed Amelia's presence and began to be hostile towards her. The time traveling detective could not help but laugh and smile.

She held out her hand and spoke of the girl's language.

"Hello there sharky! Nice to meet you, I'm Amelia. Amelia Watson."

The girl looked shocked. But she began to loosen up and came closer to Amelia.

"I-i am.. Gura.. proud princess of.. Atlantis."

Amelia just smiled. She's happy, glad, and sad. Although she'll be restarting all over again, she didn't mind. This time, she won't make any mistakes. Ever.


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