criminal Gura AU

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Amelia Watson, A professional detective. For years—she has always succeeded on capturing the most wanted criminals, even if it's a mythical creature. Never a fail of arresting the most difficult criminals there is in the whole continent.

Yet, there was one person she struggles with. That one girl everyone could not get a grasp on. It was Gawr Gura. The most wanted and the most difficult to capture. And today, Amelia's prior is to catch Gura. With that in mind, she wonders how to catch this shark. with her unexplainable appearance, The detective desires to investigate and uncover the secrets that the girl might have within her body. but Amelia brushes off that thought.

The only thing that runs through her mind is—how does the detective go on with her plan of catching this criminal? She does not know any of her weakness nor her information. The only information she has in her hands is that she controls water and she's a shark and also lives by the shore. By the shore.. But where?

Amelia made her way to her desk and sat down as she searches for a nearby shore that could potentially where Gura could be. Many different locations showed. Amelia starts writing every location that might where Gura be.

With that, The detective stood up—grabbing her coat and hat as she opens the door to leave. With that, the hunt begins.


Sky in a mixture of orange and red and blue. Silver white hair dances as the wind blows. Big baby blue eyes which reminds you of the depts of the ocean with a shark tail below her back  and her small kid like appearance. Revealing her identity by the sunset, Gawr Gura. Who's sitting by the cliff where nobody would venture to—She let's out a sigh, staring blankly at the wavy sea. The little criminal in her calming moment.

Feeling a little ache on her back, she lays down. Gura closed her eyes and breathe in rhyme, Slowly dozing off. Just as she was about to sleep, a whiff of a familiar scent caught her nose.

Sitting up quickly, Gura turned her head where the scent is emitting. Her heart starts to beat fast. It felt like her heart is jumping around—dancing inside her chest from happiness.

Hurriedly, she starts running, her cheeks in Rosy red, a uncontrollable breathing, the thrilling feeling, and her eyes full of life. She finally gets to meet the detective again.

With her breathe a pitched and her clumsy running, she arrives at the neighborhood. Trying to conceal her presence, she hides under the bush. Amelia who's asking the neighborhood's people, could not get a single information from them and would only slam the door on her face once she asks about Gura.

With not a single clue, the detective hopelessly let's out a sigh. She looks up above the sky and wonders "how will I ever find this criminal if not even the town's folks answer my only question..?" Amelia this time let's out a stressful sigh.

Gura–who could not help but wag her tail, watches as Amelia walks up to another house. Before she could even knock, Gura calls out to her. With the detective knowing this voice full damn well, she turns her head and scans the Area.

"Lookin' for me detective?"

Amelia slowly takes her gun out, full on her guard.

"Gawr Gura.. Where are you?"

The detective calls out, Making the shark smirk in amusement.

"Oh I don't know Watson, where do you think I am?"

Gura teases. Amelia became a little pissed off by this but did not let her guard down. Amelia starts to walk away from the house and starts scanning the Area. Gura merely watched—as the detective held her gun against her face and it's end is pointing to the front.

"Man Watson, gotta say you lookin' hot right now,"

Gura smirks as her sharp white teeth shows.

"But too bad for you, you ain't hot enough for me to pity ya!"

Gura starts to send balls of water towards Amelia's way. Wetting her in process.

"Ya lookin' a little wet there detective, why don't I help ya?"

The shark starts to summon big waves of water on Amelia's way. Washing her across the street in the process. Amelia coughed. Stumbling as she tries to stand up. But with a huge fail, she falls down, landing butt first on the ground.

The detective hisses. She cursed loud enough for the shark to hear. Gura could not help herself but blush. She's enjoying the sight of the detective falling around by her simple tricks. that said, Gura also feels a little sorry for the detective, for she is fragile. And if she's not careful, she'll greatly hurt Amelia in process.

"You're so easy to stumble and fall, did you gain weight?"

The detective felt extremely pissed. She gritted her teeth and stood up abruptly. Gura flinched but amuses. She's feeling entertained with Amelia there to capture her. But she definitely went a little too far with that so she feels as if she'll die the moment she expose where she is.

"show yourself!"

Amelia screams. Which Gura calmly responded;

"No way"

Gura continues to send waves of water towards Amelia's way. Processing of Amelia getting Annoyed. Amelia felt more annoyed. But decided to escape early as she can't handle Gura's tricks just yet.

"Oh? Where you goin'?"

"Far away from you!"

She shows her middle finger as she flee from the scene. Gura could not help herself but burst into a laughter, seeing the most unbelievable sight she'd ever seen. She thinks of Watson's action as cute. She's cute.

She could not wait to meet her again soon. Amelia on the other hand wants to catch the girl so bad. She wants to punish her and torture her as much as she did to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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