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A kiss is planted on the blonde girl's cheek. She began to feel flustered. Her Best friend, Gawr Gura just kissed her on the cheek.

The blonde's name is Amelia Watson. A hopeless girl in a hopeless romance with her best friend who's unaware of Amelia's wavering feelings.

That's what Amelia though tho. Gawr Gura. A hopeless girl who thinks she's having a one-sided crush with her best friend. Dorks.

Two dorks hopelessly inlove with each other. A youthful moment that might one day they regret but will reminisce about.

They thought of their relationship to be forever the same. But will that finally change?

Amelia who got kissed by Gura in her cheek could not believe it. Her Best friend, her crush, just kissed her in the cheek. Could you believe that?

She might be dreaming. She's totally dreaming. She pinched her thigh to check if it's all a dream. A yelp escaped her mouth. Nope, not a dream, This is real.

"You ok there Watson?"


Amelia tried to stay calm. What should she say? Should she ask about it? But what if she gets embarrassed and run away? She would totally do that.

"Yeah, all's good Gura!"

Amelia tried to act unhinged. Stay normal. Gura smiled at Amelia who's trying her best to stay unhinged as possible. This is easily noticed by Gura tho.

Nothing of Amelia's could she not leave unnoticed. She knew of everything about her Best friend. The way she smiles, her silly laughs, how she easily is flustered around her, the dancing of her hair everytime she walks, run or ride a bike with Gura, her properly worn uniform and her soft yet rough hands.

Gura knows everything about Amelia. Every single little details that the blonde contains. Everything of it, Gura loves.

"Come on Ame, or do you want to skip today?"

"Hmmm well.. sure"

The girl who's shorter than Amelia happily oblige and took her hand with no hesitations. She felt confident today. Amelia flinched by Gura's sudden forwardness. But she doesn't mind, she likes this actually.


It's afternoon and it was their last period which they decided to skip. They rode their bikes on top of the mountain road. The breeze felt nice, the sun slowly going down in their view as they race. Amelia had got there first.

Amelia panting heavily as she laughs in victory.

"A-an hour ride- I win!"

Amelia stated. Gura groans. She starts blaming her short legs for it. The blonde walked away leaving the shark alone but stopped when the long distance were made.

"Hurry it up bozo! I'm leaving you here!"

"Hah!? W-wait up!"

The both of them messed and teased each other as they both slowly reach their destination. A cliff with some fences. From the looks of it, it looks abandoned but to the girls it's their favorite gazing spot.

Amelia walked to the cliff where the fence could be, placing both hands on top of the fence. Gura stared at her friend's back for awhile and walked towards her with hands on the back of her head.

"Beautiful ain't it?"


Gura took a glance before adding the phrase; "not as beautiful as you tho."

Amelia began to feel flustered. Did she heard her right? She didn't want to misunderstand anything. She glanced at her friend. There she sees Gura staring at her with passion, adoration, and love in her eyes.

Amelia could tell what it is. Ofcourse. Cause she knows her best friend more than anyone else. But she could also be mistaken. The girl hesitates. The shorter girl gains confidence by how her friend looks at her with hope.

Reaching for her cheek, she leaned in for a kiss. Lips crashing towards one another. A sweet sensation like no other. Electric shock sensation flooded both their senses. All's that to end when Gura pulled away. Amelia's face painted in red. Gura's younger appearance is the same yet..

She looked much more beautiful than the ocean and seas itself. Amelia wants to see more of this. She wants to admire more of Gura. Gura felt her stomach tingle as she saw the beauty of Amelia as the sunset beats against her. She was more beautiful than the sun itself. She was her sunshine.

Soon, she realizes of what she had done. She wants to run away and never come back. She was going to do it. But as soon as her back turns, a hand gripped on The shorter girl's hand.

"Don't run away.. idiot."

Gura's heart clench. She didn't know what to do.


"Shut up. Face me Gura."

Amelia sounded mad. She's probably mad. That's what flooding Gura thoughts. She wants to run away. But she'll need to face Amelia, her best friend properly.

As she turned her back, she is met with a soft and warmth of Amelia's body. The girl began to feel flustered. What's happening right now?? Right. She never thought of the possibilities that her best friend might actually like her back.

Time went by and Both had already embraced each other. Not a word has been said, nor a sound. The only tune they could hear are the branches, the whistle of the breeze, and their loud, beating hearts.

The sun sets. No longer in the sky. The moon slowly emerged from the tainted orange-dark sky. Amelia inhales. Their breathing in unison. The silent is broken once Gura had spoken.


"Yeah stinky?"

Gura buried her face onto the blonde's neck, inhaling her scent. Amelia could only stand still as her face starts to paint in red.

"I love you dork."

"..I love you too stinky"

The End (doesn't make a little sense right?)

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