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Emotions are confusing. For the longest time-Amelia could not understand what She's feeling. She could not understand why this "girl" could make her feel the most confusing emotions she has ever felt. From Talking to each other, to flirting with one another, and their nonsense silly talk, with those slightest grasp of skin ship and lastly, those long stares towards each other's eyes.

Amelia had never felt this way with the others before. So this complicates the Detective's situation. Her Best friend, Gawr Gura who she knew for as long as she could remember-makes her whole emotions turn upsidedown.

She could never understand. Why is she such a mess Infront of her best friend? That unanswerable questions lingers in her mind. Amelia sat alone in her office, deep on her thoughts. Suddenly the door bursts open.

"Heya there Watson!"

A familiar voice. Gura marched towards Amelia who's only In shock and confusion. Should she be mad? She doesn't know.

"What'cha doin' here sunshine?"

Amelia flinch. "Well that was new.. sunshine huh?.." she thought.

"Nothing much, I'm pretty much just free today, no cases to solve for the lil ol' me"

"Nice, let's go hangout then"

The Detective's heart skipped a bit. She want to hang out with Gura but she could not find herself to leave the office.

"Sorry doofus, gotta stay here at the office today"

"Aw man, then I'll just stay here"

"Sure, go ahead sharky"

Gura sat down to a couch followed by Amelia who left her office table. Both started talking to each other like nothing really matters. The silly giggles they make each time they tease each other. Those secret glances Amelia makes whenever Gura get busy with her topic. Each time they touch even the slightest-both would flinch as if electric shocks had hit them. And it did.

After talking for awhile, time passed. It was already 6 in the afternoon. Yet, the duo did not notice a single thing. Both the girls are so mesmerize with each other's company that they did not realize what time it is.

"Hey Ame."

"Yeah Gura?"

"Do you like Anyone?"

Amelia's body flinched. She could not believe what Gura had just question her. But she did not know what she meant by "Like". So it was yet to be answered if she likes anyone. Unsure by what she meant, Amelia could answer with one thing.

"Maybe you"

Gura's face slowly turn cherry red. She could not contain her smile from forming in her mouth. But she knows her best friend better than anyone else. So she knows Amelia hadn't get what she meant.

"I-i meant romantically dumbass.."

Amelia stares at the shy Gura for awhile before blurting out;

"Romantically huh.."

"Huh? W-Watson..?"

"I don't know to be honest."


"I mean how should 'romantically' work? What do you usually feel when you feel 'love'? Does your heart hurt? Will you be in pain? How should I know I like or love someone? How do I confirm I'm 'inlove'? Would I just come into conclusion? I'm not really sure."

"A.. I see."

"What about you Gura? Have you ever experienced it?"

"A?! W-well.. y-yeah.."

Suddenly The detective's heart aches. Why is that? Just as soon as Gura said yes she was feeling pain she could not explain. What's happening to her all of the sudden?

"Tell me Gura."

"Huh..? Um.. sure. She's-"

"Oh then it's a girl?" Amelia though.

"-Really beautiful. She's like my sunshine. Those sky blue eyes of hers, her golden locks, the way her short hair waves with the wind. She cute freckles, those silly laughs of hers, her charming cute smile, just-.. Just everything about her is Mesmerizing for me. I'm smitten for her."

Amelia clenched her fist. Why was she feeling this? She doesn't know. But one thing she's certain- she hates this feeling.

"Everytime we touch I feel like I'm high above, whenever I talk with her I want to listen to her for hours, Even tho she's always exposed to danger I can't help but be worried about her safety-much more than anyone else. I'm not really sure how to explain it clearly, but I love her so much that it just hurts..!"

The Detective's lose for words. Unsure of how to respond or change the subject. Amelia could only hold it in inside of her- the unknown feeling she's experiencing.

Amelia stood up and walked up the door. Turning her head to Gura with a smile on her face. But yet it does not look like her silly cute smile she always shows to Gura.

"Time to Go home then Gura"

"H-huh? A yeah sure"

Gura hurriedly went to Amelia's side. Opening the door- before leaving, Gura reached for Amelia's hand. Amelia shook. Turns to her side and got a good look of their hands.

Gura's head turned away from Amelia, avoiding herself from being find out by Amelia- her face bright crimson red. Amelia felt confused by this sudden action. Didn't she like someone? Her Best friend was confusing.

Gura squeezes Amelia's hand


Amelia squeezes back.

(Might make part 2..)

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