TWELVE - Lost Propriety

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Darcy's plan had worked—and hadn't at the same time. Harry Potter had been lured to the Ministry with her dreaming potion but the prophecy had been destroyed. Deatheaters had been captured and now the whole Wizarding World knew the Dark Lord was back. Though, thankfully they did not know how.

During the assault on the Ministry, Dora had been wounded and Darcy felt wholly responsible. It was she after all who was working for the Dark Lord. Dora was so badly injured that she had remained in St Mungo's hospital for weeks afterward, recuperating. Darcy saw more of her adoptive sister now than she ever had done.

Darcy sat on a hard wooden chair, completing the crossword in the Daily Prophet while beside her Dora slept, even though the room was well-lit with its high-mullioned windows. Darcy had snuck into the ward before most of the patients were up. Overhead a window opened and in swooped Cassius. He fluttered down to rest on her shoulder and Darcy fed him crumbs from her pocket. He offered his leg to her and she took the note from it. Unrolling the note she read;

Miss Selwyn,

I would be delighted to offer you the flat above my shop at the going rate. Please visit me in Diagon Alley if this is agreeable to you. And as my lodger, you would of course receive free ice cream every day.

Awaiting your reply,

Florean Fortescue.

Darcy grinned down at the note, she could think of nothing better than situating herself in Diagon Alley. It was almost as if she was only a deatheater when she was with Barty because no deatheater would be excited at the prospect of renting a flat.

"A letter from Wood?" Dora asked, she had woken and fixed Darcy with a knowing smile.

"What— Ah no." She folded the letter away. "I'm going to rent a flat in Diagon Alley." Dora's eyes rose in surprise. "Well I am of age and earning my own money, I don't want to be a burden."

"If that's what you want." Dora shrugged, "Can't say they'll be pleased." The 'they' referred to Andromeda and Ted Darcy knew. "I'll help you move in." She offered, easing herself into a sitting position.

"You really don't have to." Darcy said, standing from the chair to offer Dora help.

"What? It's just cuts and bruises." Dora said, waving her help away, but when she tried to stand and swayed Darcy grabbed her arms holding her up. "Okay, maybe I'll have to visit when you're settled."

"That would be best." Darcy nodded. Ted and Andromeda arrived a minute later, they visited Dora every day while she was injured. Dora told them immediately about Darcy's flat with an air of one sibling telling on another.

"Hey, that's a grand spot you're in." Ted congratulated her, clapping her on the back. "We'll come and help you move in."

"No, that's okay, visit me when I'm settled," Darcy said.


"Oliver said he'd help me move in," Darcy said sheepishly. A bold-faced lie. What she really wanted was for Barty to help her.

"Oh well in that case..." Said Ted with a wink at Andromeda who was silent and close to tears.

"You will eat dinner with us?" Andromeda said. "At least three times a week." Darcy agreed laughing at the exasperated look on Ted's face.

Darcy left the ward so that Dora could spend time with them and she scribbled a letter to Barty as she strolled down the staircase. It read; If you want to and are free, meet me in Diagon Alley and help me move my stuff upstairs. She had to look up and catch herself as she almost tripped a step or two and saw Lupin ascending the stairs to the ward. "Lupin?" Darcy asked, "Has something happened?"

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