Chapter 3

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"Wait wait wait." Amelia laughs, "there's no way you guys found a secret entrance to honeydukes from the castle?"

Amelia and Peter are currently sprawled out on the floor in the boys room, books and chocolate frog wrappers surrounding them. All studying long forgotten though as Peter recalls some of the Marauders shenanigans to her, "well technically it's a tunnel that takes you to the storage room at honeydukes." He laughs, "we found it first year."

"It's a wonder none of you have been expelled yet." She jokes pushing his arm slightly.

"What about you and the girls? Any crazy Hogwarts stories?" He asks with a knowing look.

"None fit for public." She quirks an eyebrow.

"Well technically there are only two people here, so not public." He gestures to the empty room.

"You can't tell anyone!" She tells him with an accusatory pointed look.

He nods in agreement, "everything said here tonight will remain a secret between us."

She takes a deep breath and nods, "okay... last year... the girls and I snuck out to hogsmeade... then used the Floo system to get to Diagon alley and went into muggle London. We got so drunk that we ended up spending the night in some random muggle university students flat. Mary woke up just in time to get us all up and back to Diagon alley so we could get back to school on time." She admits.

Peter is quiet for a moment before pinching his eyebrows, "wait was that the day that Lily and Marlene ran out of class and didn't come back?"

"Yeah... Marlene was dreadfully hungover and Lily didn't want to leave her by herself." Amelia explains.

Peter is quiet and for a moment Amelia expects him to scold her. But then he does something that surprises her and he laughs, "sounds to me like you guys are just as good at troublemaking as us. You just somehow never get caught."

"We're more subtle." Amelia laughs, "to be fair though... we don't have to deal with Sirius and James like you and Remus do. I'd imagine sneaking around with them would be like sneaking around with a pack of dragons."

"I don't know..." Peter begins sarcastically, "I think that would be offensive to the dragons." Amelia laughs at that and nods. They are quiet for a moment and Amelia remains looking down as she feels peters eyes on her. He reaches forward to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. "I'm going to ask you a question... and you can say no and there will be no hard feelings. We can just act like I never asked it."


"Can I kiss you?" He asks. Amelia looks up at him and bites her lip as she nods shyly.


"WOAH!" James exclaims opening his dorm room door.

"WHA-?" Sirius yells at the same time but the word dies in his mouth in shock.

Peter and Amelia pull apart, both flushed red from having been caught, "get out!" Peter throws a pillow at the two where they still stand by the door. They doubt have to be told twice as they rush away, not closing the door, and down to the common room. Immediately running to where Lily, Mary, and Marlene are studying in front of the fireplace.

"What's your deal?" Mary asks amused as both boys bend down trying to catch their breath.

"Prank gone wrong?" Lily teases making the other girls laugh.

James swipes his hands in an 'x' motion, "Amelia and Peter-" he says practically wheezing.

"What about them?" Lily asks

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