Chapter 5.5 - Choose your Steel (2)

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Tanjiro was resting his head on Y/N's shoulder, comfortably sitting on her strong back. His body was dirty and slightly beat up, yet he was still conscious. Y/N was walking slowly, not wanting to overstimulate Tanjiros systemic circulation. Tanjiro let out a sad sigh.

"I.. Was I to naive, Y/N? None of the demons I asked talked to me.. They all just.. They all just tried to kill and eat me."

Y/N's eyes where focused on the path before them, carefull not to trip. Her spear was now strapped onto Tanjiros back. The weapon was pretty light so it shouldn't be a problem at all. Thinking a little, the adeptus replied.

"That is not your fault, Tanjiro. Demons are vile and disgusting creatures, Nezuko excepted. I don't think they have enough self-control to even think about what you asked."

Y/N continued walking, muscular arms hooked under the back of Tanjiros knee in order to carry him properly. Her hair was bound into a ponytail so it wouldn't disturb the boy she was carrying in his rest. Tanjiro closed his eyes, nuzzling his head into Y/N's neck, breathing in. She smelled good. Like a flower. Y/N had once told him that where she was from, there where flowers called "Qingxin", which where her favorites. It was probably that one. The boy looked at the path ahead of them, his eyes and body heavy.

"Are you sure you can carry me all the way? I don't want to exhaust you Nee-san."

Y/N's lips formed a gentle smile as she shook her head.

"No worries. I am just fine. Your weight is nothing to me. I've lifted things that weigh 30 times your weight"

Tanjiro smiled. She was strong. Really strong. Perhaps, one day, he could become as strong as she was. After a few more hours passed, the two finally reached Sasagiri mountain once again. Night had already fallen as the two reached the hut Urokodaki resided in. With a loud 'PANG' the door flew off its hinges, landing on the ground as a short figure stepped out of the building. Y/N's and Tanjiro's eyes widened as they recognized the familiar figure. Y/N immediately placed Tanjiro down, taking her spear from his back. Tears welled up in Tanjiros eyes as he looked at the figure before him. It was Nezuko. She was awake. Relief washed over him as he ran over to her, Y/N slowly walking up to the siblings. She placed her spear on the ground and walked up to the two, now hugging, teenagers. Y/N gasped shakily as she knelt down, hugging both of the children in her strong arms. Nezuko calmly hugged the older woman and her brother. She might not have spend as much time with her as Tanjiro did, but Nezuko knew. Nezuko knew that this was the woman who had saved her life. The young girl looked at the golden-eyed woman, raising her hand to pat the womans head. Y/N's eyes went wide as she felt the young girl pat her head, her eyes turning glassy. She hadn't felt this in a long time. A sense of belonging. Y/N softly embraced the siblings, Tanjiro weeping bitterly.

"Oh Nezuko! Y-you're alive! I was so worried.. I.. I tried everything to wake you up.."

Y/N looked over Nezuko's shoulder. There stood Urokodaki, a pile of logs in his hand, which soon fell to the ground as he saw the two newcomers hugging Nezuko. The man rushed towards the three, kneeling down and joining their hug. Y/N gave him a soft, gentle smile. Urokodaki had rarely seen her smile like that and it made relief wash over him once again. They where back. They made it. And most importantly, they where safe. Y/N closed her eyes, enjoying the affection as Urokodaki spoke.

"I'm glad.. You have returned."

Y/N looked at him as she spoke up, voice filled with warmth and affection.

"Did you ever doubt that?"

Urokodaki smiled under his mask.

"Not once. I knew you could do it."

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