Movie Date

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PS. Gets a bit smutty 👍

It was 1 am...

And Jeongguk was still on the phone with directors and other collaborators for his upcoming song, Seven.

"Jeonggu...." Taehyung mumbled lazily.

Jeongguk was still on the phone with one of the directors while Taehyung was clearly whining for his attention.

"Umm sure... And the song will be released July 14th? Oh, okay. Thank you, have a good night!" With that Jeongguk finally ended the call.

Taehyung pried himself to Jeongguk's lap pressing his face into Jeongguk's stomach.

Jeongguk pulled Taehyung to sit up on his lap and placed a peck over the older's lips. 

Taehyung put placed his delicate hands on the back of Jeongguk's neck as he pulled him into a kiss.

Jeongguk softly tangled his fingers through Taehyung's hair, kissing him back with the same affection.

Taehyung pulled Jeongguk onto his chest as he rocked back onto the sofa.

Jeongguk cuddled himself into Taehyung's chest with his arms and legs wrapped around the other like a koala.

Taehyung wrapped his hands around the younger's tiny waist, guiding them along the boy's thick ass and muscular thighs.

He slid his fingers down Jeongguk's ass and stopped just in front of his asshole.

Jeongguk groaned. "Hyung! Don't do that!"

"Do what?" Taehyung smirked.

"Trying to shove your fingers up my ass."

Taehyung pouted. "Ever since you started working on your solo album you don't give me any attention anymore."

Jeongguk smiled fondly at his boyfriend being so desperate for his attention.

"Hyungie~" he pecked Taehyung's cheek.

"I love youuuu." He said while moving his face in between the older's neck and shoulder.

Taehyung slapped Jeongguk's ass, hugging him again before saying, " Seojoon hyung called me this morning."

"And what did he say?" Jeongguk said as he was fidgeting with his ring.

"Well you know the movie Dream that's coming out?"

"Oui?" Jeongguk replied in le Francis.

"He invited us to go with the squad to watch and attend the premiere. And you know that actor for your song? What's her name?" Taehyung, spoke with a hint of jealousy in his voice when he talked about the female lead for Jeongguk's MV.

Jeongguk chuckled. "Han So Hee shi?"

"Yeah her. She's coming too, so you guys can have a chance to meet." Taehyung said holding onto his boyfriend tighter.

"Let's just sleep now hyung." Jeongguk whined, and pecked Taehyung's pout before he left to their bedroom.

Jeongguk just flopped onto the bed and cuddled himself into the covers.

Taehyung followed Jeongguk and laid on top of the younger.

"Ggukie~." Taehyung whined

Jeongguk just hums and wraps his arms around the older while sniffing the boy's hair.

"Jeon Jeongguk! Get your fucking ass up and give me some damn attention!" Taehyung finally says.

"Just sleep baby... I'm sooo tired."

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