Chapter 7 - Tooth

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"Ember! Ember where are you? Please answer me!" Fisher called out uselessly into the night as he padded down pathway after pathway. His paws were aching, and his body was horribly sore from the dog attack, but he kept looking for his friend.

"Who's that yowlin' and waking the whole place up?!"

Fisher turned, as fast as he could, despite his injuries. "Wha-?"

A burly old white tom sat in front of him. "You the one howling?" He demanded grumpily.

"Uhh, sorry. I'm looking for a orange tabby she-cat named Ember?" Fisher explained hopefully. "Have you seen her?"

The tom shook his head. "No, I've been sleepin'! Why don't you just shut up and let me nap?" His yellow eyes narrowed. "'Cause, if you don't, I'm gonna show you somethin' to yell 'bout."

Fisher took a step back uneasily. "Uh- sorry." He repeated. "I-I'll be leaving then." He turned, and started to leave.

"Hold up now, I ain't done with yah, what's your name?" The tom asked gruffly.

"Fisher.." He answered.

"Oh. Well Fisher, I'm Tooth." The tom informed him.

"Tooth?" Fisher asked.

Tooth curled his lip, revealing a jagged tooth overlapping another.

"Oh." How creative, he thought sarcastically.

Tooth let out a small sniff. "So who's this Ember?" He asked.

"She's my friend, we were attacked by a big white brute, and I blacked out. When I woke up, she was gone." Fisher explained sadly.

"White brute?" Tooth questioned.

Fisher nodded.

"Ahh, that's King. He's the nofur next to mine's.

"Do you think K-king killed..." Fisher trailed off in horror.

"Oh no, King don't kill. He just likes chasing. If he hurts you, it's not really to be mean. He's big, but just a pup." Tooth explained reluctantly. "He ain't so bad." He admitted.

"Can you show me where King lives? Maybe Ember is near him." Fisher asked.

"Well I dunno. Could you shut up for the night?" Tooth snorted.

Fisher nodded reluctantly. "Fine." He watched as Tooth got up and padded back into his nest. Fisher curled into a tight ball, and stared out into the night despairingly.

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