Chapter One

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"Alright class, be quiet while I hand you back your test." Miss Willow says in front of class, a pile of papers in her hands. "Hey, calm down Philips if you want me to give back your test."

I sit straighter in my chair, waiting in anticipation to see the grade of my English exam. Miss Willow is standing in the second row now, hands the paper back Milly, Jack and then to her left, Sofia Harrison. My body instinctively lean forward a few inches, trying to get a look what grade did she get but before I can make out whatever it is miss Willow already standing in front of my desk, giving out my exam to me.

"Thank you." I mutter quietly to which she reciprocates a smile, as soon as she walks past me, I quickly avert my gaze to the top corner and let out a sigh. 93.

Not bad, but still, could've been better.

"Hey, what did you get?" I turn around at Kennedy, seeing her lean across her desk to get to me.

"93. What about you?"

"81." She beams. "I guess all the night we stayed awake until two paid off, huh?" She smirks widely before nudging her head. "What about her?"

I look back at the girl sitting two desks away from me, trying to hear whatever conversation she's having with people around.

"Damn you're good Sofia." I hear Milly says, his eyes peering at her desk. "Killing it again."

"It's alright." She says, shifting her gaze on her exam before putting it between the pages of her notebook. Damn it.

"What did you get Sofia?" Jack asks her over Milly, a faint smirk on his lips. "This one was tough. I don't think anyone got pass ninety-five."

"She got 96, can you believe that?" Milly exclaims, both of them turns to look at Sofia with wide eyes.

"Fucking kidding me." I throw the sheet of paper on the desk, huffing out loud before hearing some quiet whispers from Kennedy, trying to console me.

"Alright. Take a close look at your test and if you have any question, feel free to come up to my desk." Miss Willow says to the class before she returns to her desk, it's not until two minutes later that the bell rings, she dismisses the class and everybody wastes no time scurry out of the classroom.

"You can beat her next time Janet, it's okay." Kennedy go over to me when I'm putting the stuff in my bag, a frown visible on my face.

"I slept four hours for three weeks Kenny, four hours." I fling the bag across my shoulder, walking out of the class with her next to me. "And she's still higher than me by three."

English is my favorite subject. The only subject that I have enough interest in to be good at it. It was no surprise when I used to be at the top of my class when it comes to English. Used to. Because it all changed when Sofia Harrison transferred to my school in tenth grade, the moment she walked in the class, my position mysteriously decreased to second. And it has always been that way ever since she showed up to Kentwood two years ago.

"Maybe she's just got lucky." Kennedy shrugs her shoulders before we part at our lockers, mine opposite hers. "You know there's no right or wrong in English. It's just how we interpret it."

The problem is Sofia Harrison doesn't get high grades by lucky. Sofia Harrison gets high grades because she's actually capable of doing it, and that annoys me even more.

I groan, started taking out the material for my next period when my nose gets a whiff of something familiar. My body immediately tense up and I fixated my gaze in my locker, willing them not to look up. The sound of locker to my left opens, and I hear some shuffling next to me.

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