Chapter Three

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I have been staring at her phone number for past ten minutes now, a part in me still couldn't believe that there would be a day I would need to hit that number up.

I lied when I say I have Sofia's number. Well technically I don't, because I don't saved it on my phone. But one time when I was helping out the secretary in the front office, I managed to glance at her computer screen when she was going through some student profiles and Sofia's popped up. I took a glance once and have it memorized since.

I push myself up from lying on the bed, checking the time one last time before my finger hit the call button. I curl my hair with my fingers, trying to calm down the racing of my heart as the line tries to reach her. It only takes her two rings to pick up and every nerves in me go out of the window the moment I hear her voice.

"Not a minute late."

I straightened my back, resting it against the headboard. "I'm quite a punctual person." I say, will my voice to be normal as possible.

"That's good to know." I can a smile in her voice. "Should we get started?"

"Y—yeah." Fuck I stutter. I fucking stutter. Does she pick up on that? "Just get this over with."

"Okay. So our job is to analyze the volumetric and do a report about it. I think the first thing we do is do a bunch of research about it, then we filter all of the information we found. Then we can do some—are you listening to me Janet?" Her voice snaps me out of the trances and I have to blink a few times to get back to reality.

"Everything you said sounds like gibberish to me." I scrunch up my face. A sigh comes from the other side and the urge to defend myself rises. "Why are you talking so quick anyway? You know I'm dumb at this stuff. Do you really need to make me feel more stupid by rapping about it?"

She goes silence for a minute and I half expect that she would come up with some embarrassing remarks to get back at me but she only speaks softly. "I'm not making you feel stupid or anything Janet. I just don't want to annoy you when I speak slowly. I know you hate it when people do that."

My inner cheek is now near bleeding at how hard I was biting it when I listened to what she just said. Something in me flutter when hearing those words but before they can make me feel anything, I shrug it away. She still annoys me either way.

"Just speak like a normal person." I roll my eyes.

"Okay...sorry." She says quietly and I resist back the guilt slowly seeping in my chest. "What part you didn't understand? I'll repeat it to you."

"Everything." Just talk to me. I don't care what is it about. Just talk to me.

Sofia shuffles something over the phone before speaking again, I assume she's going back to her notes now. "We have to do a research about volumetric and—"

"What is that?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"You can simply understand it as the measurement of volume." She says. When the wheels in my head is still spinning, I hear her speak again. "What grade did you get the last assignment?"

My face heats up at her question and I start to feel embarrassing to answer her. Now, everyone know how much I hate Chemistry and I'm proud to let people know about it. But when it comes to her, it's another story. I always get insecure and embarrassed whenever I have lower scores than her, I know I shouldn't feel like it. But I do. And it's even more embarrassing.

"C+." I mutter.

It's a plus because I got carried by Jake last time, who knows how lower it could be when I have no one.

"That's not too bad." She chirps up. "But I think you need to try harder on this one because the final is going to be tough, you need to get a good grade on this so that it can help you with your final."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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