Chapter Two

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My house slowly comes into view and Kennedy pulls the car over in front of my house. I mumble a quiet thanks to her as I quickly get my bag and get out. "Hey it's not that big deal Jane, it's just two weeks. You can survive it." She calls out as I step one foot out on the street.

I nod my head mindlessly. "I don't know if my car is fixed yet. Can you pick me up tomorrow if I still need a ride?" I change the subject, not wanting to talk anymore about what happened.

Luckily Kennedy takes the hint and she flashes me a smile. "Sure—oh wait, I have practice after school tomorrow."

"It's okay, I have to stay for council meeting too."

"Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow." She leans over the console to give me a half side hug. "Thanks for the yogurt." She whispers in my ear.

"It's nothing." I smile, waving goodbye to her before jogging to my house. I walk past the dark living room and head straight to the kitchen, pulling out a glass of cranberry my mom made for me this morning before dragging my feet to my room.

Taking a large gulp of the drink before I set it down to my nightstand to remove myself out of the clothes and change into something more comfortable. As I pull the shirt over my head, I can't stop playing back what happened today. I don't think we've had any conversation lasted that long ever since the first time we were sophomores, when she was struggling to open her locker and had to ask for my help. She knew that I have to help her because she called my name specifically and that made it impossible for me to ignore her.

If you were wondering what do I have against Sofia Harrison, my answer would be nice and simple, I hate Sofia Harrison because she is Sofia Harrison.

In case you haven't known already, Sofia Harrison is the nicest and friendliest person I've known and I'm sure everyone that met her can agree with me. She always gives you a helping hand even when you don't ask for it, she does the sweetest and the most generous thing to people without asking for anything in return. She can be the smartest person in the room and still, never would she look down on anyone. Friends admire her, teachers adore her, her parents are proud of her. She is the definition of perfection in everyone's eyes, including mine. And that irritates the shit out of me.

But let's be clear, nothing in this world is perfect. There's no such thing. It's even more ridiculous that a seventeen-year-old girl can have that title. Besides, people don't know the real her, they only know what she let them know. Sure, the girl is a straight As student and a lovely friend to have but Sofia is much more than that. People just don't see it, but I know, I know there's something hidden under that sweet smile and eyes so kind. Everyone has secrets and just looking at her I can tell she's hiding something. And I'm going to find out what her little dirty secret is and prove to everyone she is just as flawed as anyone else.

The sudden sound of slamming door breaks me out of the trances and before I can realize I was just daydreaming about her again, my mom shouts for me downstairs. "Janet! Come down here and help me with the grocery."

I groan, pushing off the blanket and hurriedly rush downstairs to see my mom is carrying two huge bags of groceries in her arms, struggling to even see where she is going. "Here, hand me one." I say, taking one of the bags out of her grip and we both head toward the kitchen.

"Thanks baby. Did Kenny drive you home today?" She says, starting to get all the groceries out of the bag and put them in the refrigerator.

"Yeah, did dad fix my car yet?"

"I told him and he said he'll take a look at it when he comes home." She eyes me from the other side of the counter, already sensing my annoyance is creeping up. "Don't worry, I can drive you the next few days if we need to take it to the mechanic."

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