Chapter 1

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I swallowed hard as the burning liquid slithered down my throat. My nose crinkled in disgust; this was the worst vodka I'd ever drunk. Vibrations pumped through my body as the music got louder. I looked over at my group of friends as they all laughed and sung along to the song that was playing. The vodka clearly having an effect on Aliza, who was currently trying to take off her dress; claiming it was way too hot in here.

I don't blame her, it was damn sweltering. Sweat crawled along from my forehead to my chin as I sat in this blazing room. I quickly swept it off and stood up. I needed space.

I tapped Eric's shoulder, "Hey Eric? I'm gonna go get air! I'll be right back, ok?" I yelled in his ear, trying to get him to hear me over the loud ass music.

He looked at me with his dilated eyes. "Aight boo, you beyer come back befer I throw up! You gonna hold my hair back bitch!" He said, swaying a little. I giggled, shaking his small head of hair and nodded.

As I made my way to the back exit, pushing and squeezing my way past sweaty bodies, I thought about him. I know my friends were trying to help me get my mind off him by bringing me here...but honestly it's made it worse.

When I opened the heavy door, I sighed as I felt the cool sweep of air brush across my face. I pulled my hair up on my head so the wind could chill my burning skin. I closed my eyes and leaned along the brick wall. When I opened my eyes I realized I was standing in a narrow alleyway. Well, this surely wasn't safe.

I looked from side to side, seeing the graffiti that covered the walls, and the black dumpster to my left. I suddenly picked up on voices, coming from around the corner. I slowly made my way over so I could eavesdrop. I know, I know, I'm horrible.

"Where is she, Matías?" Said a rich, deep voice. It made shivers run down my spine.

"I told you, I'd get her soon, boss." A small, scared voice said. I heard a slam against the wall.

"You told me soon, three fucking days ago, estúpido." The deep voice said in a deadly calm voice.

"I know, I know, but...boss...wait no....I...I'll get her by tonight, I swe-" and then a gun shot rang through the air. The body slumped sideways and i saw the man's feet from around the corner. I slapped a hand to my mouth to contain my scream and quickly ran to the door of the club and slammed the door without looking behind me.

I ran to go look for my friends at the table but they were no longer there. Shit! I thought to myself. My heart was racing, adrenaline ran through my veins as I tried to moisten my dry lips. I made my way to the front door and tried to call Eric. No answer. Fucking Eric! Please let my car still be here, I thought as I made my way to the parking lot. It was! My eyes darted everywhere around me the entire time I walked, afraid that...that man was still around.

I got into my car and quickly locked the doors. I sighed a breath of relief as the car started. The man killer...his voice was so rough. It made my thighs clench. Why the hell was I thinking about a murderer like that? No, no I need to stop and call the cops. I was pulling out my phone and then I saw it. The note on my passenger side window.

"I know you saw. I know you will try to tell. You and everyone you are close to dies if you do. Don't test me, princesa."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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