Chapter 4 - Ignoring Will

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Mikes POV

I arrive at school and see Lucas, Dustin and Max near the front of the entrance so I walk over to them.

"Hey guys!" I smile.

"Mike." Max says to me.

"Yes..?" I respond.

"What are you going to do about Will today?" She asks me.

"Ignore him? Duh?" I say as if its common sense.

"No! Not duh!? You're gonna break his heart!" She yells at me.


"You need to tell him the truth! Mike you're only gonna hurt him more by leading him on!" She continues, cutting me off.

"Max it's fine! Oh my god just let me do my thing. It will all work out." I tell her annoyed.

"Mike, you are incredibly stupid. When you make this whole thing worse don't come asking us for help." She sighs.

"I won't need your help beca-"

"Hey guys!" I hear Eleven say from behind me.

I freeze.

I loom at the party's faces and they all look a bit uncomfortable.

If eleven is here, that means Will is too.

"Uhm, are you guys okay?" I hear a soft voice say from behind me. It's Will.

"Uh I have to go, I really need to go to the bathroom, I'll meet you guys at break!" I yell, quickly running off.

Shit Shit Shit! This is going to be so difficult. How am I meant to ignore my 'boyfriend' if he is in all of my classes and is in the party.

I sigh and walk into the bathroom. I go into a stall and just sit down and think.

Okay so I could just focus on my work in lessons, that would work for my classes. At lunch I could just create a group conversation or try and get max and dustin to argue again so theres enough noise I can pretend to not heat him.. I thi-

"Mike?" I hear someone say.

"Mike, are you okay? Y-You didn't seem very, well, normal outside?"

It's Will.


"Oh, uhm yeah I'm fine. I'm just, uh, doing something!" I yell back.

"Oh, what are you doing?" He asks, sounding curious.

I dig through my bag, trying to find any unfinished pieces of homework to use as an excuse.

I finally find a piece of chemistry homework and I grin and grab it.

"I am finishing my chemistry homework." I tell him.

"Oh, you could've just asked me for help, I wouldn't have minded." He says to me.

"Oh right." I reply, trying to end the conversation.

I sit in silence for a few minutes before I hear a sigh and I can hear him walk out.

I feel kind of bad but I need to be a bad boyfriend so he will break up with me.

I stay in the stall for a few more minutes, just to make sure he's gone, and then I get up and leave.

I walk to my first lesson, which is english. My first 3 lessons will be fine because we all have end of term tests so we can't speak in them anyway.

I walk into my class and sit down, and grab a random pen from the bottom of my bag.

(Time skip to lunch)

I walk out of art and I hear footsteps next to me. I don't turn my head as I know who it's going to be.

The only person I know in art is Will, so I start walking faster.

I hear as the footsteps become quieter as I move further and further away from him.

I enter the cafeteria and walk to my usual table, Max, Luca, Dustin and El are already there.

"Hey guys!"

"Wheres Will?" Max asks me.

"I dont know? Why would I know?" I reply.

"Wheeler what did you do."

"Nothing! I left my lesson and didn't see him. Thats all." I tell them.

"I dont belie-"

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late!" Will apologizes, sitting down next to max, and directly infront of me.

He smiles at me but I just look away.

"Its fine!" Max says and hugs him.

"Byers I've not seen you in so long I swear." Max tells him.

He hugs back and giggles.

"We should hang out tonight, all of us." He suggests

I can't help but feel a bit jealous of them hugging.

Hes my boyfriend. Not hers. I may not love him but hes my best friend.

He sees me staring at him and I see his cheeks go a bit red.

I look away immediately and feel my cheeks warm up.

How embarrassing. He just caught me staring at him. He probably thinks I am looking because I love him. I don't.

I roll my eyes and suddenly Lucas says something.

"Mike? Hello?"

"What yes." I say, trying to sound like I was listening to his conversation

"Great! We will all be at your basement by 4 then. Set out 5 mattresses because we are about to have the best sleepover ever!!" He smiles, and high-fives Dustin.

My heart drops. I have to have a sleepover. With will. I'm gonna have to tell him.

"O-Oh okay. Great.!" I smile weakly.

I see Will give me a concerned look out of the corner of my eye but I just ignore it.

I see him open his mouth to say something but as soon as he starts talking the bell rings.

{Word Count: 904}

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