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I wanted to get all dressed up for my first actual date. Hakeem and i never went anywhere. We were going to the art museum so i kept it cute but casual. I wore my hair in a ponytail and had on hoop earring sm a red tank top, jeans and a sweater. Irv walked to the door and took my hand. He opened the car door for me and shut it before getting in. He was giving me queen treatment and i was loving every second of it. We walked around the museum and admired the art. I stopped in front of a painting. It looked like a bruised woman with tears rolling down her face.

"This painting is called Dame battue ...created by Henrietta Petit.. She had a friend who was abused by her husband and lost her life...after she passed she created this painting and dedicated to her." Irv said touching it.

"Nice... it speaks volumes." I said softly. Although Hakeem never put his hands on me , he would emotionally abuse me. He would compare me to the other women he messed with and say i would need to change this about myself or that. Overtime he made me hate myself and question my beauty. After viewing a couple more paintings we went for a ride and stopped at a park. It was still daylight out and we watched the kids play around and adults jog.

"Remember when we skipped class and stayed in the utility room for hours on."Irv laughed.

"Hell yeah! Mr. Bowman found us and suspended us for two weeeks. You know i couldn't sit down for weeks after that?"I laughed. It wasn't funny but it was. I gave my mother hell in my teenage years. When my father got put away for life i became reckless. Everyday the schoolor the police was calling her and she was always leaving work. It got to the point where i got locked up and when i got out i chilled out.  Thats when i met Hakeem and left Irv for him. The worst decision i have ever made.

"We were crazy...."

"Crazy, young and in love...."


"After me did you date anyone else?"

"Yeah.. i dated Alicia ...and Sheryl."

I rolled my eyes at the name Sheryl.

"Hakeem dated her too.."

"She's a whore i know.."

"I wish we would've stayed together."

"That was a choice you chose to make."

"I where do we go from here...."

"What you mean ..ain't we back together?"

"Yeah i mean...does it just stop at boyfriend and girlfriend? I'm 29 now...your 31...."I said

"We gonna be straight long as you down for me i got you."

"I am tired of being let down. I know you never let me down before but-."

"But what? We've known each other our whole life. Have i let you down yet?"


"Aight then."Irv smiled kissing me on the forehead. Whenever i was around Irv he had a way of making me forget all of my troubles. He made me happy and truly loved me. It was getting late and i needed to get back home . I had work in the morning and didn't want to over sleep. Irv and i drove back to my house and put  a movie on. It was the first time that i laid next to someone and all they wanted to do was watch a movie with me. The next morning when i woke up Irv was still beside me. He had his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I got out of bed and began to get dressed. After getting Liana ready for school i put on my uniform and walked her to her bus stop. Clocking back into work felt so good . My managers hugged me and i was simply glad to getting back to the money. When i got off Irv was waiting on the steps for me with a blunt in his hand. I kissed him and we walked into the house. I couldn't help but feel the same feelings i felt for him when we met as teens. He was my first love and i fucked it up to be with bum ass Hakeem.

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