33 | Being Okay

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Please stop pressuring me to write. I'm on holiday and I really want focus on myself and come back as a better person and have fun.

 I'm on holiday and I really want focus on myself and come back as a better person and have fun

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I hate this. I hate acting nice. I hate acting kind and sweet. I just want to rip someone's head off.

I stare at the wall, bored.

Everyone's dressed up fancy and here I am in some jeans and a hoodie. I mean I don't care and I'm sure everyone in this room doesn't as well but it would've been nice to at least know the dress code.

Nonna is talking to the very loud kids. The rest are doing god knows what.

I just want to go home. I sigh, trying so hard not to show the irritation on my face.

Nonna glances at me, confused. "Is something wrong dear?" She asks me.

I shake my head. "No just getting tired," I lie, yawning.

"Sit down, my dear, and get some rest."

"I'll sit down in a minute."

She nods and continues talking to the kids about how to use a gun.

Why do I have a feeling someone is approaching me? I close my eyes and hear footsteps coming toward me. Those footsteps don't match any of my family's footsteps.

Who the fuck is walking toward me?

A large rough hand is placed on my shoulder and I feel this guy breathe because of how close he is.

"So you're Athena? You being kidnapped for five years and looking this beautiful surprises me."

I look at this peculiar man and slowly raise my hand and take his hand off my shoulder then I look away, ignoring him.

"Right... Anyways, maybe we should get drinks sometime? I would love to get to... Know you," he slowly says in my ear. He then quickly adds, "And we won't need to tell your fiancé about this if you want."

Quickly, I send a blow to the side of his neck which causes him to fall to the ground. He might die but that's not my problem.

"Ew," I mutter, "I need to take a shower now."

I step over the weird man and walk to the doors. Just as I am about to open it, it's already being opened. And Hades stands in the doorway, smiling at me.

So do I jump off of a cliff, a building, or a bridge?

Hold on.

I slowly examine this man and furrow my eyebrows. He's not in a suit that can't be possible. He's always in a suit.

Why the fuck is he wearing a hoodie and sweatpants? Why does he look like a normal person?

And he lied.

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