how pure is happiness, true happiness might i add? not the fake happiness we keep inside us to please other people who in fact don't even care about us. why is it human nature to please other people, who go out of their way to displease us? killing them with kindness, yeah i get it. but is it really ever real? or is it just an act that we use to hide our true firing emotions? when you really think about it, it is quite stupid. instead of telling them straight forward how you feel, yes it may fuel them to keep harassing you, but you get it off your chest. being too scared to stand up to them will put even more of a target on your back. so what is the point?
now, the words happy and depression get thrown around too much. what people don't understand is that taking depression medicine does not make you happy, it simply masks the feeling. and the feeling of happiness. to people with depression it is an unnatural feeling. so when they are happy, they must become familiar to the feeling before they can feel the happiness to the fullest.
anyways, sorry to bore whoever decided to read this (if anyone does decide to read)
please comment if you need to talk, i am always around and here to support you. ♥️
Randoma collection of stupid deep things i decide to jot down when i feel like it