Chapter 1

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The scene shows an island in the middle of an ocean with an eagle's head on a large mountain. The scene zooms into a forest where we see a red bird running while carrying something in his arms. The red bird, named Red, talked to himself through his heavy panting, "Okay. Come on (x4). Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Come on, let's go. Let's go, buddy. Come on, come on, we gotta move, we gotta move."

Above the trees, a pink bird named Stella yells down to Red, "Come on, Red! Move those legs! We're almost there!" Red entered a hollow log and avoided a spider web, but another one was in front and caught him off guard, making trip and tumble out of the log and right off the cliff. "Uh-oh! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! No,no,no,no,no!" He yells as he flaps his wings, but he falls down and tumbled into the vines from below.

Stella followed below and caught the basket that was in Red's arms and says, "Try to keep up!" She grabs onto a hanging vine and began to swing across, as Red eventually finds a stable vine and swings too. He crashed into a lot of bushes and crashed into a last one, which got him wrapped up by a snake. He and the snake both screamed as the snake untangles itself off him as he yells, "I don't like it! I don't like it!" Stella comes to a halt and looks around to see if he was behind and says, "Red?" "Incoming!" Red suddenly yells before the two birds collided with one another and crashed onto a branch, making Stella lose the egg-like basket as it tumbles onto the leaves.

The two birds tried to retrieve it by running on the branches as Red stops and held his wings out to catch it, but it fell past his wings and the branch below the two snapped, causing them to fall off and scream. Red tried to stop himself from falling by gripping his fingers onto the wood, but it was no use as it shreds some bark of it, making him yell, "OW! Ooh! Ah! OW! OW! Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow! Oh!"

Stella got herself down safely with her acrobatic skills by sliding down from branch to branch until she got to the ground and looked up, only to see Red hit a branch. "Beak!" And another one, "Wing!" And another one, "Tail!" And another one, "Ribs!" And then the last one, only this time, it's his tender area, "Giblets!" He slid down the branch while Stella flinched. Red caught the basket unexpectedly in his wings, which Stella spoke, "Oh, you got it."

The branch under Red swings him up in the sky. Red screamed at first as he got the basket under his talons and attempts to fly. "I'm flying!" Red yells before he began to fall again, "Nope, still can't fly." He tossed the basket up before he crashed into the water. Stella caught the basket and ran while Red jumped out of the water and yanks a fish off his butt. "Bottom feeder." Red said to the fish before he ran with Stella.

They made it to a house as Red jumps to avoid running into an egg laying on a nest, saying, "Up and over!" He knocks on the door with the two birds breathing heavily from all the running, until Red turned around and puts something on his face. A small green bird child named Timothy answers the door and opens it to see Stella and Red, now wearing a clown wig, big red clown nose, big clown bow tie and a small hat as the two yelled, "Ta-da!" The small bird began to scream as Stella tries to reassure the child, "No, no, no, no. Look. It's okay. He's just a friendly clown." Timothy kept screaming and crying before Red spoke while holding out the cake "Never mind, Stella. Uh, happy hatchday!"

Timothy's father, Edward, came out and says to the two, "Oh! Hi, pal. You two must be so disappointed in yourselves for being this late." Red began to speak, "Oh, no. No, no, no, no. We're not late. Look at the time. The order said before noon."

Edward looked at the time, which had just struck noon before saying, "Okay, NOW you're both late." "What?" The two birds said before the father asked, "Where've you been? You missed the party." The nose came off of Red as he and Stella reach for the nose, but the two hit their heads with one another. They both mutter an "Ow" before Edward points at the basket, asking, "What is that?" Stella grabs the box and says, "Um, yes, see, we fell on the box." She opens the basket to reveal the cake smashed and a squirrel on it.

The father took the squirrel out before Stella adds, "Oh, the squirrel? *giggled nervously* That's on us. You know, me and my friend try to keep our bodies between the ground and the box, but, you know, I think Red got a little bruise." Red shows his shaved butt to the father and son, which the child grown uncomfortable as Red asks, "See anything back here?" "Hear that, honey? The clowns we paid to be here an hour ago fell on our son's hatchday cake." Edward called out to his wife before looking back at the two, saying, "Oh, and the next time you two mess up, don't tell me a story, just take responsibility." Stella tries to reassure him, "Sir, it wasn't a story."

"Me and my boyfriend are screw-ups-" The father began, "Wait, what-" Stella was about to say, but gets cut off, "-who woke up late and fell on the thing you paid for!" Stella gave a forced smile while Red has an annoyed look on his face and mutters, "It wasn't a story. I almost drowned." Edward stops and darts a finger on Stella's chest before saying, "Why don't we just settle this out and say the cake's on you two." Stella kept her forced smile, but Red started to twitch his eye to control his anger, but it beats him as he spoke in a clear tone, "I'm sorry, it's on us?" "Well, who else would it be on?" He questioned as Red began to chuckle and removes the clown makeup, saying, "Well, you know, I...I'm not sure you're gonna like this, um, but since you asked." Stella knows what's gonna happen and says, "Red?"

Red ignores her and continues, "Rather than being on us, as you suggested..." "Red." "This cake..." "Red!" "... IS ON YOU!" "RED!" It was too late as Red slams the cake on Edward's face and puts the clown makeup on his face. "Oh, here we go..." Stella muttered while Red talks Edward as he mushes the cake on his face, puts the clown wig, bowtie and nose on him, "So, you wanna hear a story? Stella and I ran our butts off, literally, mind you, to get the "gluten-free cake." What the heck is gluten?! I mean, does gluten even exist?"

Edward's wife, Eva, approached and spoke with a trembling voice, "Who are you?" "Get out of here!" Edward yelled as Stella spoke next, "You're absolutely right, so we'll just take our leave-" "Already? But you're the only one that's had cake." Red said before taking a handful of smushed cake from Edward's face and ate some, "Mmm. Oh, that's good stuff. Mmm. Anybody want to eat some cake off their dad or husband? Who needs plates when you got this guy's face, right?"

He turns to leave, but turns around and says, "Oh, oh, mmm! Oh, wait. I almost forgot. You know, we're supposed to do a quick customer satisfaction survey before we *whistles* split, okay? So, on a scale of one to three stars, what would you say about our performances? And don't forget, the squirrel was-" He began to walk backwards, but slips on some cake on the ground as everything went slow. Red looked back to see that he was about to fall onto the family's egg and says, "Sorry about this! My bad."

His face was inches away before the parents, along with Stella and Timothy, hold onto the tail to prevent Red from crushing the egg. The boy looked at some cake on the ground, let's go of Stella's tail, causing her and the parents to fall down and ate some cake. They hear a crack before Red spoke, "Congratulations." The parents and Stella looked up to see Red's head stuck in the egg as he gave a thumbs up and says, "It's a boy." Stella groaned and facepalms.

The Grump and the Social Butterfly ~ Angry Birds Movie {Red x Stella}Where stories live. Discover now