Chapter 2

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At court, Eva spoke to the judge, Judge Peckinpah, "Your Honor, our family has always practiced natural childhatch. The risks of having a scrambled infant are too great. There was going to be music, the nest was going to be full of beautiful, fresh-cut flowers." The crowd exclaims from that before she continues, "And the first two faces he was going to see were the loving faces *sobbing* of his mother and his father." The crowd exclaims from that before Eva hugs her husband and spoke tearfully, "We can never get that moment back." Red spoke next, "Ma'am, I never wanted my face to be the first face your baby saw. *chuckles* I mean, what are we talking about here? He probably doesn't even remember me."

The hatchling looks at Red and moves his arms towards him, saying, "Daddy!" The crowd gasped as Red shushed the hatchling but to no avail. Edward glares at Red while gritting his teeth. Stella gives a nervous chuckle and asks the crowd, "Ladies and gentlebirds, is Red not a passionate bird?" One bird did a sketch on wood of the family and Red with an angry look. "Yes. Guilty as can be. It was a quality cake. Look, me and Stella worked very hard to get it there on time, and HE wouldn't even try it!"

Red said, pointing at Edward. Judge Peckinpah then spoke, "Mr. Red, we are a happy, happy bird community. Under the protection of Mighty Eagle, we work, we play, we laugh, we love, and we live our lives free from conflict and strife, sir." "We love the sound of our own voice, evidently." Red muttered, only to feel a sharp elbow hit from Stella. "Perhaps you never heard the joke, "Why don't birds fly?" I'm gonna tell you why. Because where else would we ever wanna go?" He said before he starts to laugh, along with everyone else.

Stella gave a nervous chuckle as Red spoke, "Wow! Not a good joke." "So now, what am I to make of the likes of you? There seems to be a recurring issue here. Anger." Peckinpah states, which the crowd murmured at the "a" word. Red scoffed and remarks, "I don't think I have an anger issue. I think you got an anger issue."

The crowd gasped, much to Peckinpah's anger as he spoke, "Anger is a weed growing in our garden. And what do you do when you find a weed? Miss Stella?" He leans to the female pink bird as Stella froze a bit before she answered, "Oh, uh, I don't know. I mean I DO know, but it's possible that you'll say it anyway." "You pluck it out!" Peckinpah said out loud, receiving an "Oh, my God" from a bystanding mime bird as he continued, "Mr. Red, when you moved your house outside of our village, did you notice that nobody, beside Stella, tried to stop you? Birds, they may smile at you on the street, but that doesn't mean they like you."

Stella looked upset from that and wants to say something to defend her friend, but she heard an exhale from the red bird as Red spoke, "Hey, you know what? I got a question for you. Are you aware that that robe that you're wearing isn't fooling anybody?" Judge Peckinpah lowers his head, as if he has something to hide. "We all see you, prancing along the street, "Your Honor"! And you're what, and I'm just approximating here, LIKE AN INCH TALL!" Red said as he suddenly grabs Peckinpah. "You... What are you doing?"

Peckinpah ask just as Red pulls Peckinpah's robe to reveal he is actually a short bird standing on top of a taller bird. He sneezes, which moves him backwards and moves Peckinpah onto the floor as Red said, "Viola!" "Red! That was uncalled for!" Stella suddenly snapped, causing the audience to gasp, not only at Red for exposing Peckinpah, but the first time that Stella snapped. She went to help Peckinpah up, but he moves his hand up to stop her before he glares at Red and said, "Mister Red, given the severity of the crimes, I have no choice but to impose the maximum penalty allowed by the law: anger management class. Along with Stella." Stella gasped in shock as Red said, "Uhhh... Pluck my life."

The Grump and the Social Butterfly ~ Angry Birds Movie {Red x Stella}Where stories live. Discover now