______ Pills

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I was trying to listen into their conversation because I was bored but I couldn't hear much though:

Bill: So, what do you guys think about everything?!

Y/N: Uhm, all of this is so nice- most of you guys are nice too. It's also great to meet another band who speaks German.

Nancy: Yea, what Y/N said and especially the German part- it's so nice to talk to someone else who is from Germany.

Bill: I agree and I know we all mostly talk in English because that's just we are use to but when we talk in German, it's nice.

Nancy: Wait, do you speak any other languages?

Bill: uhh, French and a bit of Spanish. How about you guys?

Y/N: I speak Spanish fluently and of course I can speak English and German. A bit of French too.

Nancy: Yea, I only know English- sadly.

Bill: Wow, that's cool and what about Arwyn and Levi?

Y/N: If I am not wrong Levi can fluently speak at least 5-6 languages and Arwyn can fluently speak 4 languages- they took classes when they were younger.

After that I stopped listening for a bit until I heard something interesting:

Bill: Do you guys like anyone?

Nancy: I use to and kinda now

Y/N: No not really anymore.

Bill: Ohhh tell me who?!

Nancy: Uhm, well for a small period of time I use to like Levi but then stopped and started liking someone here actually.

Bill: Ohh whoo?!

Nancy: not telling! Anyways how about you Y/N?

Y/N: uhh, well I had feelings for him but then stopped after something happened. How about you Bill?

Bill: I think I might like someone here actually.

I couldn't believe what Y/N said. Was it actually about me? It had to be but how could I even tell her that I do too- if she doesn't have feelings for me anymore. "You fucked up big time, Tommy-boy." I heard Georg say under me, "Don't you think I know that already." I told him as I sighed, "Hey, don't worry about it because you will find a way to make it right." He told me trying to cheer me up, "Yea, your right. I'm going to go get a beer- want one?" I said as I got off of him and opened the curtain and waited for his response, "Uhh yea actually, I will go with you." He said getting up as well and walk away with me.

Back to Y/N's POV

I heard Tom and Georg walk out of the cubby bed area. I like their bond it's so cute and nice- it reminds me of mine and Nancy's bond, "Hey, are you ok, Y/N?" Nancy asked as she put her hand on my thigh, "Yea, I'm fine why wouldn't I be?" The told her with a smile, I know she didn't fall for it but let it slide. "I think we are about to arrive at the hotel. We should head to where the rest are." Bill said as he opened the curtains to his cubby. We all got out and walked to the main area of the Tour Bus, they were all sitting down on the sofas watching some dumb kids show. "Wow, you guys are finally out and about again." Arwyn said as I faked laughed then sat on his lap with my arms around his neck- playfully. "Says the one who is watching a dumb kids show." I told him as he said 'whatever', we laughed at each other and everyone else did too. "We are here!" The Tour Bus driver said as he looked back at us and we nodded as we gathering our stuff, we then waited for security guards to come and get us because there was a few fans waiting for us to come out. Each security guard had two of us, we signed a few autographs for our fans then thanked the security guards as we got inside and tipped them as always for their service. We immediately went to our rooms because we were all tired and fell asleep in our beds until the he next morning. . .

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