I want your heart

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(If their name are underlined than it means they are speaking German in the conversation, I'm doing this to help Non-German speakers understand better)





Tom said

Security helped with the luggages and escorting us safely into our tour bus:

I am here at the airport, hope I get to see you soon xx

Yea me too x

I hate doing this to someone who genuinely loves me but I have no choice, I looked up at Tom and he smiled at me. I was going to smile back but then I noticed something, HE didn't COVER the LOVE BITES ON HIS NECK but it was too late to tell him anything because they started questioning him and thank god they didn't question me about why I'm wearing one of his jackets:

Bill: Sooo brother, who gave you those things on your neck?

Tom: What things?

Arwyn: Don't act dumb now, just tell us because from what I heard you haven't been around ladies much.

Tom: So?

Georg: Was it a hook up or a hanky Panky

When Georg said that both me and Tom turned red and is when Nancy caught on

Nancy: Excuse us for a moment. . .

She said as she took me to the back and grabbed a wipe, she wiped the tiniest bit of makeup from my neck, she did that because she didn't want me to reapply it again

Nancy: I knew it- start talking. Your even wearing his jacket, don't think I didn't notice that in the morning

Me: Ok ok, yes me and Tom did it

Nancy: like actually, like no third base crap?!

Me: yeahh but I'm not the one

I grabbed her hoodie pulled it down a bit from her chest area and love bites over love bites

Nancy: yeah yeah.

Me:Were you both being safe?

Nancy: No shit, the real question here is were you safe?

Me: Yeah no duh

We kept talking until we got to the airport and we can tell that they tried getting answers from Tom but he didn't budge because he wanted to respect my privacy until we agree on telling them.

If he told them right then and there, we wouldn't hear the end of it especially Tom since he is the oldest and most troubled. As we were waiting for security to come and get us, we saw Kiera, "Hey!" He said as he held me in his arms, "Hey." I replied as I looked at Tom and He looked pretty pissed about Kiera. Hopefully Kiera won't notice the jacket- it's not likely he would but still. I told him that we can't hold hands or anything like that until we get inside our private jet, he understood that. We went inside with the security guards, they were a few people taking pictures of us and some making videos of us walking through the airport, we checked in then we went to airport security. We were all in the clear and were able to get to our gate with no paparazzis, "Ok, is everyone with us?" Levi said as he started counting heads from where he was, "Oh my fucking god, where is Tom?" He asked we all looked around and we see Tom walking towards us, "I got stopped by two fans- no need to worry about me." He said as he was now next to me, we all boarded the Jet. We have three flight attendants, two chefs, and a whole bunch of room with plane seats but still a lot of space. As we entered me, Kiera, Nancy, and bill were all in one space and Tom, Levi, Arwyn, Georg, and Gustav were all in another space because they wanted some bro time, "Hey, are they together?" Kiera whispered to me as we looked at them, "Yea, finally they are together." I told him as we giggled and I felt someone glaring at us, so I looked behind us and there was Tom with his arms crossed, not even playing attention to what they were saying to him because he was to busy looking at what me and Kiera, "Hey, am go take a little nap alright?" I said as I kissed his cheek and excused myself from all them then left to the other half of jet. Where it had little bed cubbies just like the tour bus with just enough room to sit up in, "I don't like him." I heard Tom say as he came inside the cubby I was in, "Why is that?" I asked him as he laid on top of me with his cap off and played around with his hair- this curtain of the cubby was closed of course. "He's too old for you and he is from a whole different world than us." He said as he looked up at me and I kissed him, he kissed back, "And your not?" I told him laughing:

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