Palace Grounds

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Quick Recap: Alexandra bought a necklace at the Towns market from a creepy old woman. Hugo being dirty by playing in dirt and worms. Their father, David, had the young king coming over to his family's farm to buy a horse; it turns out the king actually came over to ask if David's mother, Eleanor, could become the king's war commander, David said "nah my mother ain't doin' it" Eleanor was like "Shut up, you ain't the boss of me son," and then Alexandra got kidnapped by a flying Wendigo. Sooo yeah, let's continue. 

Megan and Eleanor were in a carriage together; they were headed to the palace so Eleanor could accept the offer from the King so she could save her beloved granddaughter from the flying Wendigo. Megan, of course, thought of her daughter every single second; she was worried, obviously. Is she warm? Is she at least safe somewhere? Those were weird questions to even ask herself because a creature literally kidnapped her daughter, but it's all she could to ask herself. Since Eleanor has experience with these creatures, it won't hurt to ask, right?

Megan: " have experience with these creatures...what does a flying Wendigo do exactly know."

Eleanor leans back in her seat and looks at Megan with a serious expression.

Megan: "A flying Wendigo are just like a normal Wendigo, the only difference is that they can fly and can spit acids, fire or venom."

Sweat rolls down Megan's cheek, feeling more anxious than before.

Eleanor: "Just like normal Wendigos, they are ruthless, but some normal Wendigos can have feelings for other creatures, and they are mostly kept to themselves. Flying Wendigo, on the other hand, are devoid of feelings; I have never met a single flying Wendigo that was nice; even when they are born, they immediately start attacking other creatures or themselves."

Megan: "Oh, my poor baby. Helogan, please help my daughter. Bring her home safe, please." Megan said while holding her hands in a prayer position.

Megan kept praying to Helogan to herself; this annoyed Eleanor because she was never one to believe in gods and goddesses. To her, Helogan should've listened to her praying when both her husbands were dying on the battlefield.

Soon the carriage stopped in front of the palace, and Megan and Eleanor got helped to get out of the carriage. Just as they soon exited the carriage, the palace guards approached them.

Palace Guards 1: "Eleanor Fotheeth, the king expected your arrival; follow us."

As soon as the first Guard turned around, the rest followed behind him. Megan pushed Eleanor's wheelchair, following behind the guards.

Eleanor looked up at the palace's exterior and the courtyard, remembering all the times when she used to be the king's knight in her prime and walked around the courtyard

Eleanor: 'Nothing's changed,' She thought. 

In the corner of Eleanor's good eye, a guard walked up beside Eleanor's side.

Guard 2: "Excuse my rudeness ma'am but I am your biggest fan and I would always listen to stories about you whenever my mentor had the time." The guard grabs out a cloth from his pocket and held it out Eleanor. 

Guard 2: "Please bless my war handkerchief with your touch."

Another guard pulls him away from Eleanor.

Guard 2: "Waah!"

Guard 3: "Stop being weird and stay looking forward."

Megan looks at Eleanor with a small smile on her face,

Megan: "Seems you've grown popular Eleanor."

Eleanor: "Seems so." 

Once the guards escorted them inside the palace, they went to a beautiful water spring after walking through a couple corridors.

The young king was in the bath spring; once he noticed that the guards, Megan and Eleanor, had arrived, the maids immediately rushed to King Alendros and covered him with his bathrobe

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The young king was in the bath spring; once he noticed that the guards, Megan and Eleanor, had arrived, the maids immediately rushed to King Alendros and covered him with his bathrobe.

King Alendros: "I am glad you could make it Eleanor, oh and Megan, heh I wasn't expecting you here." King Alendros walks out from the water spring.

King Alendros: "My apologies for not wearing proper clothing, but I assume you are here because you want to save your granddaughter, yes?"

Eleanor: " Yes, I'm not one for waiting, so let's just get this started."

Megan: "Hold on, before we start, is that the bath? And what exactly will this bath do?"

King Alendros chuckled a bit with her questions.
King Alendros: "Yes, that is the healing bath, and the bath will not only heal your wounds, but it will also transform your body like you are back in your prime. Though there are key things that you should know."
King Alendros walked over to a mini bar beside the bath and poured himself a drink.
King Alendros: "The bath will be permanent, of course, though you will age again like normal after some years. While you're in the bath, you will literally feel every single thing changing within your body. Every bone in your body that is reverting back to when you were young, you will feel it. It will be painful." After saying that, he drank from his cup.

King Alendros: "But, I will only let you do this if you agree to become my war commander; as I said before, my previous war commander died. Not only will you become my war commander, I will have a say when you leave the command, do you understand?"

Eleanor: "...Yes"

King Alendros: " Do you accept these terms?"

Eleanor: "For my granddaughter...yes."

King Alendros: "Good, then we shall proceed." King Alendros said while smirking.

Meanwhile, David and Hugo were walking in a wood with a search party with them; they held swords, shovels, pickaxes, and anything they considered a weapon to find the creature that took Alexandra. Hugo, only 7 years old, does not want to do this; she misses her sister dearly and worries for her, but he is not ready to fight some creature in the woods. He did not want to lose his young little life, and he understood this very well.

Hugo kicked the rocks on the ground while walking with his father and the search party. He was bummed about the entire situation.

David: "Head up boy, you won't know what is coming to you if you have your head down." David said while making Hugo face up with his hand on Hugo's head.

Hugo: "Pops...I don't think we'll find her....what if she-"

David: "We'll find her." David kept his head straight forward, keeping his guard up for anything that might be thrown at them. 

While walking, everyone heard a growl right in front of them from a distance; everyone stopped in their tracks when they heard it; Hugo and the other children immediately hid behind their parents. The men in the search party stood forward first, and the growl grew closer and closer. Finally, the 8-foot-tall Wendigo appeared right in front of them.

For the first time in Hugo's life, he felt literal fear. 

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