Power Rush

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Previously on Dragon Generations!!!

Eldric quickly got up and rushed over to the scene. "Finally! The power of the black dragon is mine!" As the red beam continued, Eldric held his hand out, and his hand started shining, and then he started to absorb the beam into him.He could feel the magic coursing through him, coursing through every vein and every nerve, filling him with a strength and energy that he had never felt before. It was a feeling of euphoria, of being one with the world, of having the power to do anything he wanted. And in that moment, he knew that he was truly invincible, truly unstoppable. He knew that this power was going to change everything, and he planned on using it to gain all of the control he felt so entitled to.

Eldric: "Yes! The power!! I can feel it!!"

We continue:

As the power of the black dragon continues to flow through Eldric's body, he feels an overwhelming sense of invincibility. He laughs maniacally, unable to contain his newfound power.

"I am destined for greatness!" he exclaims. "I will conquer the world and claim my rightful place as its ruler."

As the beam of red light dissipated, Eldric felt the power within him continue to grow stronger. His body was glowing with an intense red light, and he could feel the magic pulsing through his veins like electricity. With a sinister smile on his face, Eldric raised his hand and let out a mighty roar, signaling the beginning of a new era. And as he floated above the ground, he could feel the ground trembling beneath him.

Eleanor: "He's going to explode like a bomb holding in all that power like that."

Alendros: "We have to go! Now!"

Alendros knights, cupcake, and the search group all started running away from the field. David didn't want to leave, not yet. "Not without my daughter!" David yelled, and he was going to run toward Alexandra, but Eleanor grabbed his arm. "No! It's too dangerous!." David yanked his arm away from his mother. "Just take Hugo and go! I'll be right behind you!" Eleanor frowns at David. "No, David! Alexandra is already gone; we have to go!"

"Just go, Mom!" David yelled to Eleanor, and he then ran towards where Alexandra's body was; Eleanor grabbed Hugo and ran with him to where everyone else was running. Hugo watched behind his grandmother's shoulder and watched his father's figure get smaller and smaller. "...Is father going to be okay?" Hugo asked his grandma. Eleanor didn't say anything as she continued to run with Hugo in her arms.

As everyone runs away from the field, they can hear the sound of an explosion in the distance. The explosion blew David and Alexandra further away from where they originally were. David grunted as he stood up; he ran over to Alexandra's body, carefully picking her up in his arms. Her body is engulfed in flames, but he holds her close to him regardless. The flames are burning his skin, but he ignores the pain. "I'm sorry, my love," he whispered. "I have failed you."

The explosion echoes through the mountains. The sound of crumbling rocks follows close behind. Hugo clings to his grandmother, his eyes widening with fear; Eleanor keeps running through the rocky terrain, pushing past tree branches and running over rocks and roots. Back at the Helogan palace, Megan was walking through the halls. She looked out the window and saw a huge mushroom cloud from afar away.

As the explosion died down, David stood up, his clothes tattered and slightly burned. He held Alexandra's body, which was still engulfed in flames, close to him. He looked up and saw Eldric, who was looking down at David. They didn't say anything to each other, only stared, but then he teleported away.

Time went by, and Matteo and Cupcake went back to their cabin with the search group to pick up their children. The rest went back to the Helogan palace, and the walk wasn't the finest. David held his daughter's badly burned body in his arms, and Eleanor held her grandson as he cried on her shoulders.

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