Chapter 1

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"OKAY SEE YOU AT THE GAME" he screams back

I put my shoes on and leave

Oh yeah sorry I have to introduce myself

I am yn Oliveira

Yes sister of Vinicius jr I am 17 well nearly 18 but I don't really care

Ok that's a lie I'm really exited

My best friend is Aurora gavira

My brothers rivals sister

Plot twist right?

I can't find the coffee shop

"Hey do you know where the coffee shop is?" I ask a random person

"Yes I do but why would I tell you" he says annoyed

"First of all I don't know who the fuck you are and I'm new here as I live in Madrid so piss off and help me out here before I punch you in the face" I say crossing my arms

Suddenly I feel two chins on my shoulder

"Hey sorry about her" they say

I turn around and see Antoine and Joao

"ANTOINIEEE" I scream and hug him

"Wow you forgot about me already I was only gone for a season" Joao says

"Of course I didn't" I say hugging him

"Why are you guys here?" I ask

"We are here for Barca vs Real Madrid of course to support your brother"

"We have to go our reservation is at 1" Joao says

"Okay see you guys soon!' I shout as they go

I take out my phone from my purse and enter the closest coffee shop

As I enter my phone dies


"Hello miss what could I get you?" A boy says

"Hello can I please just get a coffee?" I ask

"Yep please have a seat"

I smile at him and go sit down

Not gonna lie he was cute

A few minutes later he comes back with coffee in his hands and a note

"Thank you" I smile at him

"Just pay when your ready" he smiles back softly handing me the note and the coffee

I look at the note and see his number written on it

I laugh to myself as I take a sip of my coffee


I walk out of the coffee shop with still a bit of coffee left

I look at my watch and see there is still 7 hours till the game

Why not get some shopping done

I walk up to a shop and someone bumps into me making me spill my coffee


"You see I would reply with something rude but your a girl" he says

"Go on say something rude just because I'm a girl doesn't mean you can't say something" I say a bit annoyed that I stained my white Madrid kit

"No because I'm a gentleman" he says and looks up

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