Chapter 8

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"Its not like i wouldve gone
Back to you anyways"


"Whats a pretty girl like you doing here alone" he says

Im pretty drunk so im unsure of how he looks

"Im n-not here alone" i say drunkly while laughing for something thats not even funny

"Oh really whos the lucky man- or woman" he says as he sits down next to me

"Its matteo hes like sonewhere over there" i say pointing to the crowd area

"Oh matteo? Hes a douch but looks like your mans kissing some woman" he says winking at me

I look at him confused I just said that so hed leave me alone and matteo never told me about his gf

He points to matteo whos kissing a random girl in the corner of a room

I dont know why i was kinda hurt?

"I dont care" i say

"Why hes your boyfriend?" He says with a really confused face

"Hes not."

"So you lied to me?" He says coming closer to me

I just nod taking another glass

"Slow down there" another guy says

"Hey you dont get to tell her what to do" the guy who i just talked to says

"Oh really im just making sure she dosent get really wasted and fucks a guy like you"

"Didnt know you were the Jealous type huh?" He says

I was drunk but not that drunk to obviously see that they knew eachother

"Hey stop touching him!" I say standing up

"Hes not your ideal boyfriend" the bartender says

"No hes not even my boyfriend you dick!" I shout starting to get angry

"Your drunk go home" the bartender says softly

"Im not dru-" i start but then i fall of the table that ive been on and into the water after someone pushes me

Hence im drunk i cant rlly swim so i thought that was gonna be it

I wasnt that good of a swimmer either i tried hilding my breath and go up but it was helpless

I start kicking my legs rapidly before i feel cold hands holding me by my waist

I recognised the arms right away it was matteos

I melted into his presence as I wrapped my arms around his and rested my chin on his shoulder

I think matteo could recognise my heavy breathing as he whispered into my ear;

„dont worry everything is fine! Im here." I sniffled into them realising how muscular they are

He goes up the stair shooing peoples attention away

Culpa Mia || Pablo gavi DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now