Levi Ackerman x Reader

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A/N: hello!!! this is my first aot one shot so please be patient with me. also i'll probably do a fluffy part 2 for this to make up for the heavy smut. hope you enjoy it!

C/W: semi-rough sex, possessiveness

You ride your horse into battle, striking titans left and right, you turn around to look at Levi.

"Levi look, I'm on my fifth titan, how many have u killed so far?" You smile teasingly.

Levi is atop a tall horse, blade in hand, ready for battle. Your voice makes him stop, his horse turning to face you. His face goes slightly red at the attention you're giving him.

"Four." He says, staring you right in the eyes.

"Oh wow, am *I* humanity's strongest soldier now?"

"No." Levi says that as if to say it's completely obvious. Which, by the way, it is. Your smug expression gets wiped off you at Levi's response.

"Don't get cocky, it's unbecoming."

You scoff but still shoot him a quick smile.

Levi glances you up and down, his expression slightly softer now as you smile at him.

"You better not get hurt." He says in a not so strict tone. It was a warning, not a command. You know the latter will come if you displease him, though.

"Wouldn't dream of it"

Levi nods as if he believes you fully, but then glances back at the titans heading towards you both.

"Go take one down." He orders you, his tone of voice changing to have more authority behind it—like he meant it.

You nod, standing up on your horse and then zipping up to the back of an abnormal titan, you stumble a bit as you land, you slash your blade across the titan's nape and jump back on your horse as it falls to the ground. "How was that captain? did I exceed your expectations?"

Levi stares for a moment, his eyebrows raising slightly as he takes in the scene before him.

"That was decent." He says, his face completely neutral as he scans you.

"You should have done that on the first Titan." He says.

"You've still got room for improvement."

You nod, satisfied with his answer "I know, I'll get there sir" The group starts to retreat within the walls, you follow.

Levi nods and starts to retreat too. He glances back at you as he rides his horse back alongside you, his demeanor stern and serious once again.

"Don't call me 'Sir." He says, glancing at you.

"It's improper." He adds, his tone back to that 'authoritative' one he so often uses.

"Then what should I call you?" You ask, amused.

Levi looks down at you as he pauses.

"My name." He says, as if the answer is obvious.

"I thought that would be more improper captain?"

"Levi." He says, not giving you time to respond.

"Call me Levi." He adds, his voice stern again.

"Is that understood?"

You straighten up, a bit alarmed by his tone. "Yes Levi"

Levi glances at you for a moment. An awkward silence fills the air between the two of you, and you can't help but feel like Levi is just staring at you—judging you. But you have no way of knowing for sure.

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