3. tulips

99 3 4

Harry's pov

louis had given me his instagram we talked from the moment we woke up to the moment we went back to sleep he just. god he's so fun to talk to seriously i log into instagram and log onto the account i made so i could follow louis and see he posted a new post

London, uk

sexy lads doing sexy lad things ;) @zmalik22

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sexy lads doing sexy lad things ;) @zmalik22

why did i pose like that and why's my hand so huge compared to yours

@louist91 replying to @zmalik22
so you can choke me big daddy 😁

looking gorgeous lou <33 text me imy ❤️

looking good boo xxx

you're beautiful babe xx

@louist91 replying to @harrysangel28
thank you lilly <33

although i've got no clue who any of the people that commented are but that zayn guy he said he was his friend but he's calling him daddy. hm. maybe they're friends with benefits

i decide to text him and ask

you're so pretty :( how is it fair on anyone :(

stop it ur gonna make me blush >:(

is zayn your boyfriend? i noticed you called him daddy

louis 💠
hahaha no no no he's my friend i tease him like that sometimes haha why tho are you jealoussssss ;)

nooooo obviously not just inquiring about your relationship status

i'm single and open to pretty lillie's ;)

i literally throw my phone on the couch beside me and giggle like a schoolgirl

"what's gotten into you?" niall asks and i giggle "he loves my heart shaped sunglasses he loves the heart shape my ass issss" i sing as i giggle and he frowns

"who does?" i roll my eyes "a guy im talking to okay? not really like- talking to but- it's complicated!"

he sits down and slams his coffee mug down "spill." i sigh "so i made the fan account it was fun then i met this guy called louis i told him my name was lyel and if autocorrected to lilly so he calls me lilly as like an inside joke and he's so beautiful ni he can be the prettiest fem or the most handsome masc and fuck! he's so gorgeous" i sigh and he raises an eyebrow

"yeah but you're posing a person who doesn't exist also what the fuck is lyel that sounds like a 40 year old." i frown "i like the name lyel."

"whatever the point is you can't start anything with him because you don't know him and he's a fan that makes it worse haz i suggest you ghost him and i suggest you do that asap." i frown

"niall he's beautiful..and- you know how love sick i am!" i sigh and he rolls his eyes "i don't care unless you plan on being outed and have a high chance of shit hitting the fan because you pretended to be a fan and catfished some poor guy." he lectures and i huff

"for fucks sake niall i- well i can't argue with that. but i can't just leave i like him too much" he face palms. "jesus christ then start getting over him." he walks to his room and i pout and check my phone

5 messages from louis💠

sorry if that was weird promise it was a joke..

im sorry if it made you uncomfortable i promise it was just a joke

ly..? are you okay?

im still so sorry :/ how come i've ruined this and it hasn't even started

sorry again :/

sorry my friend wanted to talk to me about something so sorry no it didn't make me uncomfortable it made me very happy. you make me very happy

oh thank god i was afraid i ruined it. you make me very happy too lilly :)

you live in london huh? i saw it in your post on insta

louis <3
yeah i do! where are you from?

london as well :)

louis <3
ahhh so we can meet up!!

yeah that'd be fun but i'm suuuper busy atm ://

louis <3
that's alright we can meet whenever you're not :)

yeah sure :)


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