8. lavenders

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Harry's pov

i'm currently on tour it's been a few months since the drunk thing and so far louis seems to be none the wiser so i assume my threats worked! go h!!

lou boo 🌸
what do you think h will wear today? the euro leg tickets are going live tonight and i'm actually shitting myself. i cannot wait to try and get some

my darling i will host a private show just for you if i have to.

good luck baby idrk what he'll wear honestly probably something sparkly yk he is harry styles

lou boo 🌸
he hasn't worn blue in a while :( he looks so pretty in blue

don't change the outfit it'll be too obvious don't change the outfit it'll be too obvious dont-

"harry! do you reckon i should wear something blue tonight?" i ask and he shrugs "if you want to no one is stopping you really."

"show me the blue options" he pulls up a nice blue button up with some stars on it and some skinny jeans as usual.

"i like it." he nods "then wear it!" he says sassing me. ugh.

i go back to the couch and text louis

lou boo 🌸
where do you keep disappearing to? :(

sorry babe i was doing something

lou boo 🌸
you really made a huge difference in my life and i don't even know how you did. i've never seen you or heard your voice. i just- love you? but i've never met you? like how is that even possible how could i long for someone and love them when you have never seen or even heard them. how could a persons text messages have such an impact that you formed such a bond that when they don't answer you that effects you.

jeez lou i was gone for 5 minutes

lou boo 🌸
do not minimize this i'm obviously not talking about you leaving me for 5 minutes. im talking about me hating waking up before you dreading every second of every day that we're not talking dreading the nights you sleep early. i'm talking about those how and why does a person i have never met have such an impact on me?

because i convey a certain comfort with my words? i don't know boo you have to ask yourself that i've seen you and heard you so idk what you're on about

lou boo 🌸
do you not feel the same about me?

of course i do. but i'm saying it makes sense for me since i have seen and heard you before. i even met you irl lou.

lou boo 🌸

you were shitfaced and z called me bc i was the last person you called i came to pick you up and drove you both home

lou boo 🌸

calm down it's not that big a deal babe. anyways i've got to go to work text you when i'm done xx

lou boo 🌸
love ya x

love you the most.

i close my phone and go to rehearsal

it's late after the show and i'm on call with lou because he wants to get hslot tickets but is scared and nervous so he needs moral support as always hotel room ceiling as i stuff my head into the pillow as i slowly start dosing off

"OH MY GOD LILLY I DID IT I GOT IT I DID IT OH MY FUCKING GOD." he snaps me out of my sleep of lack there off i tap on the screen three times in support being too lazy to type anything

"oh. sorry i didn't realize you were tired okay i'll go sorry goodnight lilly" he says in a sad kind of tone i'm not about to make him feel bad

i grab my phone and start texting him

no darling boy i'm not annoyed by you or anything okay congratulations on the tickets i promise i'll be more enthusiastic tmw i love you goodnight

lou boo 🌸
goodnight x

and just like that i'm gone.

a/n sorry for another short chapter :(

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